Hello everyone, I have been experimenting with OCaml GADTs and I have run into two brick walls, and I need help.
First question
I have a GADT that looks like this:
type _ gadt =
| O : 'a -> 'a option gadt
| A : 'a -> 'a gadt
I would like to write a function that essentially would do the following, however, I’m currently convinced it is impossible to write the type for such a function:
let map t ~f =
match t with
| O x -> O (f x)
| A x -> A (f x)
I have tried using locally abstract types, but they are clearly insufficient, since the function that is passed in has no idea whether it’s going to be used within an 'a option or just an 'a.
let map (type a) (type b) (t : a gadt) ~f : b gadt =
match t with
| O x -> O (f x)
| A x -> A (f x)
Second question
I feel this question is a little more nuanced.
Let’s look at three minimal examples:
type 'a t
type _ gadt = T : unit -> 'a t gadt
this type-checks
type 'a t
type _ gadt = T : 'a -> 'a t gadt
Error: In this definition, a type variable cannot be deduced from the type parameters.
let map : type a b. a gadt -> (a -> b) -> b gadt = fun m f ->
match m with
| O v -> let x = f (Some v) in A x
| A v -> A (f v)
let map : type a b. a gadt -> (a -> b) -> b option gadt = fun m f ->
match m with
| O v -> let x = f (Some v) in O x
| A v -> A (Some (f v)) (* or O (f v)*)
Considering the behavior you described, it sounds like there’s a problem with the GADT definition. It looks like this is what you want:
type _ gadt =
| A: 'a -> 'a gadt
| O: 'a option -> 'a gadt
let map: type a. f:(a -> 'b) -> a gadt -> 'b gadt = (
fun ~f ->
| A x -> A (f x)
| O (Some x) -> O (Some (f x))
| O None -> O None
As others have pointed out, the syntax for functions expecting a GADT is a bit different. To be honest, you don’t need GADTs to write this code. But if the point is learning syntax, then that’s it.
A final point: you want to define a non labeled argument as your last in function declarations. In the end, the caller will pick the order.