I am exploring qcheck and i am not sure the way i test stack
like below is correct or not.
Appreciate your suggestion. Thanks.
let test_fun ~name = QCheck2.(Test.make ~name
~print:Print.(list int)
Gen.(list int)) in
let create_stack l = Stack.of_seq (List.to_seq l) in
let flist = [
("length", (fun l -> Stack.length (create_stack l) = List.length l)) ;
("pop", (fun l -> try Stack.pop (create_stack l) = List.hd (List.rev l) with Failure _ -> true)) ;
("top", (fun l -> try Stack.top (create_stack l) = List.hd (List.rev l) with Failure _ -> true)) ;
("clear", (fun l -> let st = create_stack l in Stack.clear st; Stack.length st = 0)) ;
("push", (fun l -> let st = create_stack l in Stack.push 101 st; Stack.pop st = 101)) ;
] in
let tests = flist |> List.map (fun (n,f) -> test_fun ~name:n f) in
QCheck_runner.run_tests ~verbose:true tests ;;