Spec and interface to declare dependencies in an OCaml script

This is the fourth article in the MlFront series. If you are interested in scripting frameworks that can download source code and bytecode, and inter-operate while doing so, please read:



(Critical, verbatim snippets from article)

I have an old opam package DkSDKFFIOCaml_Std that is a low-level bridge between OCaml and other programming languages. It can be extraordinarily difficult to build, so I made it a mix of pure OCaml source code and prebuilt library downloads. Today I’ll describe how embedded OCaml dependencies like the following simplifies the build process:

module _ = DkSDKFFI_OCaml
(** The bridge between OCaml and other programming languages.

    {[ `v1 [
          `sec [ `scheme "dkcoder" ];
          `blib ["https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/62703194/packages/generic/@DKML_TARGET_ABI@/2.1.4/@DKML_TARGET_ABI@-4.14.2-DkSDKFFI_OCaml-2.1.4-none.blib.zip"];
          `clib ["https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/62703194/packages/generic/@DKML_TARGET_ABI@/2.1.4/@DKML_TARGET_ABI@-4.14.2-DkSDKFFI_OCaml-2.1.4-none.clib.zip"]
        ] ]} *)

(* And use what you imported ... *)
let () =
   ignore (DkSDKFFI_OCaml.Com.create_c ())

One set of designs I created are the MlFront_Archive package formats:

  1. *.blib.zip - This is the bytecode archive. It is a zip file containing .cma, .cmi and some other critical metadata.

  2. *.clib.zip - This is the C library archive. It is a zip file containing .so or .dylib or .dll shared libraries, and also the corresponding static libraries.

The important concept is that *.blib.zip and *.clib.zip for OCaml are analogous to *.jar files for Java. The design is available at:

The remote specification design is in the MlFront_Config library: