Send us Talk and Workshop Proposals for Fun OCaml 2024 in Berlin, September 16+17

Hi everyone!

Fun OCaml 2024 is a 2 days open source hacking event dedicated to OCaml enthusiasts and professionals. We focus on the impact and potential of OCaml for solving real-world problems and get together in Berlin for a conference/hackathon over two days:

  • Day 1 (Monday, September 16): talks (which are live-streamed) and socializing/hacking.
  • Day 2 (Tuesday, September 17): Workshops and hacking.

Topics we’re interested in:

  • how you use OCaml in your business / in your projects
  • OCaml libraries, frameworks, and other Open Source projects built on OCaml
  • hands-on demonstrations that encourage people to try things on the second day of the event or at home
  • seeing actual code and reasoning behind design decisions
  • experience reports

For more details, check out the website and the CFP linked from there:

Registration for attendees will be announced later this week in advance, but is not open yet.

Thanks! :sparkles: :orange_heart: :camel:


CFP is still open until June 9. Happy to have your submissions! :orange_heart: :camel: