Hello! Documentation says
...In fact this names the object, allowing you to call methods in the same class or pass the object to functions outside the class. In other words, it's exactly the same as this in C++/Java. ...
I did not understand this because it seems like I can just pass the object whenever I want to an outside function like this:
class person name =
val name : string = name
method say_hello = print_endline ("Hello I am " ^ name)
method get_name = name
let make_say (p : person) (s : string) =
print_endline (p#get_name ^ " said: " ^ s)
let () =
let anji = new person "Anji" in
make_say anji "I'll give you money!"
The output was
Hello I am Anji
Anji said: I'll give you money!