Require a type in a module type is a polymorphic variant

I have a function that looks like this:

type err = [ .... ]
val tx : t -> f:(unit -> ('a, ([> err ] as 'e)) result) -> ('a, 'e) result

And I would like to make a module type that can be used as a functor that could reasonably wrap different instantiations of this function, all with different err types. But I’m running into trouble expressing it because I can’t seem to define a module type where err is guaranteed to be a polymorphic variant.

Somethign liek this:

module type S = sig
  module Db : sig
    type err
    type t

    val tx :
      t -> f:(unit -> ('a, ([> err ] as 'e)) result) -> ('a, 'e) result

Is this solvable?

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You may type:

module type S = sig
  module Db : sig
    type t

    val tx :
      t -> f:(unit -> ('a, ([>  ] as 'e)) result) -> ('a, 'e) result

I would advise you to simply remove the constraint that err is of a kind polymorphic variant since it doesn’t provide any benefits:

module type S = sig
  module Db : sig
    type t
    val tx : t -> f:(unit -> ('a, 'e)) result) -> ('a, 'e) result

I’m a big user of polymorphic variants for in result monads. I know it has some limitations, and maybe this is one of them, but to me they have have a lot of benefits in terms of code readability.

My point is that such constraints do not belong to the module type (aka the specification). Polymorphic variants are certainly useful in implementations.

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Thank you @octachron . Another question I have: is there anyway to “disaggregate” a polymorphic variant? For example something like:

match foo with
| #bar as v -> ...
| rest -> ...

As a human I know that the type of rest is whatever foo is minus #bar.

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As far as I know that’s the best you can do unfortunately. Consequently, this makes it difficult to provide convenience functions and monads around the error handling machinery.

It’s probably the main thing I don’t like about using them for errors but I still do in practice because I like the explicitness of my type signatures.