Hello, I’m trying to write a side project heavily relying on functors and it turns out that I don’t know how to declare the module type of a functor.
Here’s my code :
module type Ring_spec = sig
val modulo : Z.t
val degree : int
module Z_s (S : Ring_spec) = struct
include Z
type t = Z.t
let ( % ) a b =
let res = a mod b in
if res < zero then
res + b
let add a b = Z.add a b % S.modulo
let sub a b = Z.sub a b % S.modulo
let mul a b = Z.mul a b % S.modulo
module type E = sig
type t
val zero : t
val ( <+> ) : t -> t -> t
val ( <-> ) : t -> t -> t
val ( <*> ) : t -> t -> t
module Vector (N : E) = struct
type t = N.t array
let make n = CCArray.make n N.zero
let get t i = t.(i)
let set t i x = t.(i) <- x
let length t = CCArray.length t
let add a b =
let open N in
let n = length a in
let r = make n in
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
r.(i) <- a.(i) <+> b.(i)
module Matrix (N : E) = struct
type t = N.t array array
type direction =
| Lines
| Columns
let make m n = CCArray.make_matrix m n N.zero
let get t i j = t.(i).(j)
let set t i j x = t.(i).(j) <- x
let length dir t =
match dir with
| Lines -> CCArray.length t
| Columns -> CCArray.length t.(0)
let mul a b =
let open N in
if length Columns a <> length Lines b then invalid_arg "Matrix.mul";
let m = length Lines a in
let n = length Columns b in
let p = length Lines b in
let r = make m n in
for i = 0 to m - 1 do
for j = 0 to m - 1 do
for k = 0 to p - 1 do
r.(i).(j) <- r.(i).(j) <+> (a.(i).(k) <*> b.(k).(j))
let mul_v a (v : Vector(N).t) =
let open N in
let module Vec = Vector (N) in
let m = length Lines a in
let n = Vec.length v in
let r = Vec.make m in
for i = 0 to m - 1 do
for j = 0 to n - 1 do
r.(i) <- r.(i) <+> (a.(i).(j) <*> Vec.get v j)
(* Polynomial *)
module type Polynomial_sig = sig
type t
val make : int -> t
val ( <+> ) : t -> t -> t
val ( <-> ) : t -> t -> t
val ( <*> ) : t -> t -> t
module Polynomial (N : E) (S : Ring_spec) = struct
type t = N.t array
let zero = CCArray.make S.degree N.zero
let ( <+> ) = CCArray.map2 N.( <+> )
let ( <-> ) = CCArray.map2 N.( <-> )
let ( <*> ) = CCArray.map2 N.( <*> )
module type Ring_sig = sig
module Z_s : sig
include module type of Z
val ( % ) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val ( <+> ) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val ( <-> ) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
val ( <*> ) : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t
module Polynomial : Polynomial_sig with type t = Z_s.t
(* module Vector : Vector_signature some how ?? <--- here
module Matrix : Matrix_signature some how ?? <--- here *)
module Ring (S : Ring_spec) : Ring_sig (* Here) *) = struct
module Z_s = struct
include Z
type t = Z.t
let ( % ) a b =
let res = a mod b in
if res < Z.zero then
res + b
let ( <+> ) a b = Z.add a b % S.modulo
let ( <-> ) a b = Z.sub a b % S.modulo
let ( <*> ) a b = Z.mul a b % S.modulo
module Polynomial = Polynomial (Z_s) (S)
module Vector = Vector (Polynomial)
module Matrix = Matrix (Polynomial)
I’d like to finish module type declaration of Ring_sig
with Matrix_sig
and Vector_sig
(see “Here” in the code) yet I don’t know at all how to proceed, as Matrix
has functions with functorized Vector(N).t
or just N.t
in their signature.
I’m sure that there’s a trick, yet I’m unable to find it.
Also please correct me if I’m not using the correct terminology about functors, it’s not something that I use on a daily basis.