I’m trying to print a vbox in an hvbox, and I want it so that if the inner vbox is more than 1 line long, the outer hvbox should print newlines instead of spaces.
Here’s the code I have so far
type bind_t =
string * int
let pp_bind_t ppf (s, n) =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%s =@ %d@]" s n
let pp_bindings ppf l =
Format.pp_print_list pp_bind_t ppf l
let l1 = [ ("x", 1) ]
let l2 = [ ("very_long_variable_name", 1) ]
let l3 = [ ("x", 1); ("y", 2); ("z", 3) ]
let l4 = [ ("x", 1); ("y", 2) ]
let pp_let_bindings ppf l =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>let@;<1 2>@[<v>%a@]@ in@]" pp_bindings l
let () =
Format.pp_set_geometry Format.std_formatter ~max_indent:10 ~margin:20;
pp_let_bindings Format.std_formatter l1;
Format.pp_print_newline Format.std_formatter ();
pp_let_bindings Format.std_formatter l2;
Format.pp_print_newline Format.std_formatter ();
pp_let_bindings Format.std_formatter l3;
Format.pp_print_newline Format.std_formatter ();
pp_let_bindings Format.std_formatter l4;
Format.pp_print_newline Format.std_formatter ();
Here’s the output:
let x = 1 in
very_long_variable_name =
x = 1
y = 2
z = 3
let x = 1
y = 2 in
All but the very last output are printed correctly. Is there a good way fix it so that
let x = 1; y = 2 in
is printed in the same way as let x = 1; y = 2; z = 3 in
, with the let
and in
having separate lines to themselves?