For a type t
with @@deriving sexp
is there a simple way to print x:t
via printf
EDIT: I’m basically looking for Rust’s #[deriving(Show)]
For a type t
with @@deriving sexp
is there a simple way to print x:t
via printf
EDIT: I’m basically looking for Rust’s #[deriving(Show)]
There is @@deriving show
ppx that generates val pp: Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
that can be combined with Format.printf
If you want to print S-expressions directly, you can use a combination of Sexp.pp and converting to sexp.
Give me a sec, let me dig up an example.
Yeah, Sexp.to_string Data Serialization with S-Expressions - Real World OCaml
You can avoid going to string as an intermediary if you use the pp functions:
open Core
type data = Leaf of int | Node of data list
[@@deriving sexp]
type t = {
my_int: int;
my_float: float;
my_data: data
} [@@deriving sexp]
let instance = {my_int=1; my_float=1.0; my_data=Leaf 0}
let () = Format.printf "%a" Sexp.pp_hum ([%sexp_of: t] instance)
(* outputs: ((my_int 1) (my_float 1) (my_data (Leaf 0))) *)
If you’re using the right Jane Street ppxes (ppx_jane
will include them), you can do this:
let () = printf !"Foo: %{sexp:Foo.t} and Bar: %{Bar}\n" foo bar
if Foo.sexp_of_t
and Bar.to_string
are defined (note the !
before the format string).
Other options are
let () = print_s [%message "Foo:" (foo: Foo.t)]
let () = print_s ([%sexp_of: Foo.t] foo)
Wow, I wasn’t aware of all this functionality. Would anyone be willing to update the debugging tutorial with a section(s) about printf debugging, native code tracing, ppx_debug
Ah, yes, forgot to mention earlier, but alongside these, @dariusf also has GitHub - dariusf/ppx_interact: Interactive breakpoints!, which provides Python-style interactive breakpoints by compiling a toploop into the program:
let () =
let xs = [1; 2; 3] in
let f (a : int) =
print_endline "hello!";
f 2;
print_endline "goodbye!"
It’s only implemented for bytecode, but I can’t see why it couldn’t also be ported to native code as well.