Hello !
As for now I was trying to “expand” structure item with a code like
let expand stri =
[stri; a_new_structure_item ()]
let impl xs =
xs |> List.map expand |> List.concat
let () =
Driver.register_transformation "ppx" ~impl
But the problem with that is if I need to go recursively inside a structure item
(a module for example). I would need to go through the structure item myself
module Foo = struct
let foo = .. [@@ppx]
(* would become *)
let foo = ..
let new_expanded_structure_item = ..
It is possible indeed, but I believe Ast_traverse.map
already goes through every structure item.
My goal would be to change the signature of the structure_item
method like:
inherit Ast_traverse.map
method! structure_item stri : structure_item = ...
(* into *)
method! structure_item stri : structure_item list = ...
But at this point I don’t really know if something like that is possible, using the current state
of Ppxlib ? I believe it was not intended to be use in that way, but that still would help me a lot !