Ppx_deriving_yojson : nested `Assoc

Hi everyone,
I am currently trying to serialize/deserialize Json values using ppx_deriving_yojson.
my json looks like this :

type t = {
    id: string [@key "Id"];
    names: string list [@key "Names"];
    image: string [@key "Image"];
    image_id: string [@key "ImageID"];
    command: string [@key "Command"];
    created: int64 [@key "Created"];
    ports: Port.t list [@key "Ports"];
    size_rw: int64 option [@default None] [@key "SizeRw"];
    size_root_fs: int64 option [@default None] [@key "SizeRootFs"];
    labels: (string * string) option [@default None] [@key "Labels"];
    state: string [@key "State"];
    status: string [@key "Status"];
    host_config: Container_summary_host_config.t option [@default None] (* [@key "HostConfig"] *);
    network_settings: Container_summary_network_settings.t option [@default None] (* [@key "NetworkSettings"] *);
    mounts: Mount_point.t option list [@default []] (* [@key "Mounts"] *);
} [@@deriving yojson { strict = false }, show ];;

The problem here is with the labels key which is a json object too (an Assoc of Yojson.Safe).
How can I serialize / unserialize the whole type t knowing that labels is a simple key-value pairs where the key is user defined and can take different values ?

I have tried to compile and run your examples (minus some field where I have no detail of the actual type, like host_config).

And it works well. The following sentence:

let () = print_string @@ Yojson.Safe.to_string @@ to_yojson a



Then the labels are correctly serialized. What do you expect more?

To give more details : I can post the json which I am trying to unserialize
Here is the output from utop where i am testing it

Openapi.Container_summary.of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_string {|{
    "Id": "ad1ad195fe314991b364e124573eb9240093a2718586932789086f9c960cce88",
    "Names": [
    "Image": "alpine",
    "ImageID": "sha256:b2aa39c304c27b96c1fef0c06bee651ac9241d49c4fe34381cab8453f9a89c7d",
    "Command": "/bin/sh",
    "Created": 1683414855,
    "Ports": [],
    "Labels": {
      "this_is_a_label": "good_otter",
      "another_label" : "nice_cat"
    "State": "exited",
    "Status": "Exited (0) 15 hours ago",
    "HostConfig": {
      "NetworkMode": "default"
    "NetworkSettings": {
      "Networks": {
        "bridge": {
          "IPAMConfig": null,
          "Links": null,
          "Aliases": null,
          "NetworkID": "9b8d4180e3a28d08cd055ef460dfdb369e5f669795068508b2f7483d513fd100",
          "EndpointID": "",
          "Gateway": "",
          "IPAddress": "",
          "IPPrefixLen": 0,
          "IPv6Gateway": "",
          "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
          "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
          "MacAddress": "",
          "DriverOpts": null
    "Mounts": [
        "Type": "bind",
        "Source": "/home",
        "Destination": "/home/elias/Desktop/camelwhale/camelwhale",
        "Mode": "",
        "RW": true,
        "Propagation": "rprivate"
: Openapi.Container_summary.t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or =
Result.Error "Container_summary.t.labels"

As you can see, the labels field is causing some issues
PS : The json is the result of a simple docker container list. I am trying to build an SDK for the Docker Engine deamon.

In your posted code, labels has type (string * string) option (not a list).

Note also that


(which should be writed [ "a", "b" ] in JSON)

Is not a synonymous to

{ a="b" }

Then you can also have some issue when match the last one with a (string*string) option. And like goeffer said, an option is not a list. You can’t twist the OCaml typing system to give labels two pairs.

Also, ppx_deriving_yojson doesn’t really handle maps where the keys are variable too. So you’d need to specify the type as Yojson.Safe.t which will give you the object as-is, and from there you can process it.

Alternatively declare it as custom type labels and implement labels_of_yojson which will parse an Yojson.Safe.t into your labels type, e.g. some kind of Map.t with string keys.

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You can also implement a type of “maps with string keys,” viz.

type 'a _stringmap = (string * 'a) list[@@deriving yojson { strict = false }, show ]
type 'a stringmap = (string * 'a) list[@@deriving show ]

let string_to_yojson j = Pa_ppx_runtime.Runtime.Yojson.string_to_yojson j

let stringmap_of_yojson sub1 (j : Yojson.Safe.t) = match j with
    `Assoc l -> _stringmap_of_yojson sub1 (`List (List.map (fun (s,v) -> `List [string_to_yojson s; v]) l))

[NOTE that the functions to/from string above are from `pa_ppx`, so probably will need to be recoded for ppx_deriving_yojson`]

Then you can modify your type to

type t = {
    id: string [@key "Id"];
    names: string list [@key "Names"];
    image: string [@key "Image"];
    image_id: string [@key "ImageID"];
    command: string [@key "Command"];
    created: int64 [@key "Created"];
    ports: Port.t list [@key "Ports"];
    size_rw: int64 option [@default None] [@key "SizeRw"];
    size_root_fs: int64 option [@default None] [@key "SizeRootFs"];
    labels: string stringmap [@default []] [@key "Labels"];
    state: string [@key "State"];
    status: string [@key "Status"];
    host_config: Container_summary_host_config.t option [@default None] (* [@key "HostConfig"] *);
    network_settings: Container_summary_network_settings.t option [@default None] (* [@key "NetworkSettings"] *);
    mounts: Mount_point.t option list [@default []] (* [@key "Mounts"] *);
  } [@@deriving of_yojson { strict = false }, show ];;

and your JSON input works unmodified.

Notice the type of labels is now string stringmap.

P.S. I only implemented the direction “yojson → t”, not “t → yojson”. The second direction should be straightforward.

Thank you, this looks promising, I was going for a something like (as proposed by @Leonidas ):

module StringMap = Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end);;
let yojson_of_stringmap m = StringMap.bindings m |> [%to_yojson: (string * string) list];;

And was working on the %of_yojson part.
But your solution seems to fit better. I am trying to implement it but I get a

 dune utop .                                                                                                      ─╯
File "_none_", line 1:                  
Error: Module `Pa_ppx_runtime is unavailable (required by `Openapi__Container_summary')

even though I did add pa_ppx to my dune file.
Any idea why this is happening ?


  1. Don’t use pa_ppx. Continue to use the ppx_deriving (or whatever it was) that you were using before. pa_ppx is part of a suite of PPX derivers based on Camlp5, and they are incompatible (in the sense of don’t interoperate) with the standard ppxlib-based infrastructure. They provide the same function, but … well, they’re not standard.

  2. When I get to a stable location, I’ll write the “of_yojson” code. It’s not hard.

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Thank you, it really helps me a lot as I am trying to build a Docker Engine SDK for Ocaml and I might encounter this problem again

OK, here’s a new set of map stuff:

type ('a,'b) _map = ('a * 'b) list[@@deriving yojson { strict = false }]
type 'b stringmap = (string * 'b) list[@@deriving show ]

let string_to_yojson j : Yojson.Safe.t = Pa_ppx_runtime.Runtime.Yojson.string_to_yojson j
let string_of_yojson msg j = Pa_ppx_runtime.Runtime.Yojson.string_of_yojson msg j

type maprow = string * Yojson.Safe.t[@@deriving yojson { strict = false } ]

let stringmap_of_yojson sub1 (j : Yojson.Safe.t) = match j with
    `Assoc l -> _map_of_yojson (string_of_yojson "string_of_yojson") sub1 (`List (List.map maprow_to_yojson l))

let stringmap_to_yojson sub1 (l : 'a stringmap) : Yojson.Safe.t =
  let l = List.map (fun (k,v) -> (k, sub1 v)) l in
  `Assoc l

BTW, you have other type errors, e.g. in Container_summary_network_settings. The “networks” field is not a list of Network.t objects. There’s too little data for me to tell what you want to do, but perhaps you want a map from string to Network.t (where “bridge” is a key).

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Thank you for your help,
I do need to go deeper and debug all the nested objects for many json outputs (sent by the docker deamon). “bridge” will be a key containing

"NetworkSettings": {
        "NetworkID": "7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812",
        "EndpointID": "88eaed7b37b38c2a3f0c4bc796494fdf51b270c2d22656412a2ca5d559a64d7a",
        "Gateway": "",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "IPPrefixLen": 16,
        "IPv6Gateway": "",
        "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
        "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:08"

To my knowledge, this is the generic output containing all the description of a docker network.
I will look into it as soon as I manage to get the labels working. Your solution fits well, I just need to fix the pa_ppx_runtime issue by using something compatible with ocaml 5.0 . The goal is to have a complete Docker Engine SDK for Ocaml and give users the ability to manage the deamon locally (swarm mode and remote access is another “story”).

There should be equivalent runtime entrypoints available for ppx_deriving_yojson: when I wrote my pa_ppx version, I mimicked the former as much as possible – that is to say, the only difference is how the two PPX rewriters are coded, not so much the code they generate.

P.S. A sugggestion: it is very much worth using -dsource to inspect the output of the PPX rewriter ppx_deriving_yojson to see what the code looks like. For instance, to see what code it generates for the type string.