PPX: `[@@deriving fold_sig]` that generates a signature and a functor


It would be awesome to have a deriving directive that takes a set of types, and generates:

  • a signature whose items correspond to the product types or the variants of the sum types, and each item is a function whose arguments correspond to record or tuple fields of the product types or the variants; in case of records, the function arguments are labelled;

  • a function / functor taking a (first-class/) module of the above signature, and implementing the fold operation over the types.

Does anyone have such a PPX rewriter? If not, would you support a project to implement it?


The signature would also need a type result item (or type 'a result etc. depending on the arity of the type for which it is derived).

Hmm, on second thought this feels like too much work for too little benefit.

Have you seen GitHub - janestreet/ppx_variants_conv: Generation of accessor and iteration functions for ocaml variant types and GitHub - janestreet/ppx_fields_conv: Generation of accessor and iteration functions for ocaml records?


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I knew about the first-order features of ppx_jane: @@deriving variants and @@deriving fields, but I forgot that they have the higher-order part with Variants.fold!

Alas, not only the problem that ppx_variants_conv does not generate a signature of the sort I need, but also it is not the right notion of “fold”. The whole Variants is about constructors, not about destructors AFAICT.

I’m having a bit of trouble visualizing what you mean: can you provide a few examples ?

Sure, for example:

type _ calc =
  | Lambda: {bind: 'b ref; body: 'a calc} -> ('b -> 'a) calc
  | App: {func: ('a -> 'b) calc; arg: 'a calc} -> 'b calc
  | Var: 'a ref -> 'a calc
  | Const: 'a -> 'a calc
  (* [@@deriving_inline fold_sig] *)
(* START of auto-generated code *)
module type FOLD_CALC = sig
  type 'a result
  val lambda: bind: 'b ref -> body: 'a result -> ('b -> 'a) result
  val app: func:('a -> 'b) result -> arg: 'a result -> 'b result
  val var: 'a ref -> 'a result
  val const: 'a -> 'a result

module Fold(F: FOLD_CALC) = struct
  let fold c =
    let rec loop: 'a. 'a calc -> 'a F.result =
      fun (type a) (calc: a calc) ->
        match calc with
        | Lambda {bind; body} -> (F.lambda ~bind ~body:(loop body) : a F.result)
        | App {func; arg} -> F.app ~func:(loop func) ~arg:(loop arg)
        | Var v -> F.var v
        | Const c -> F.const c in
    loop c
(* [@@@end] *)
(* END of auto-generated code *)

module Eval: FOLD_CALC = struct
  type 'a result = 'a
  let lambda ~bind ~body = fun x -> bind := x; body
  let app ~func ~arg = func arg
  let var v = !v
  let const c = c

module EvalComp = Fold(Eval)

module PrintApTree: FOLD_CALC = struct
  type 'a result = string
  let lambda ~bind:_ ~body = "(fun <some var> -> "^body^")"
  let app ~func ~arg = "("^func^" "^arg^")"
  let var _ = "<some var>"
  let const _ = "<some const>"

module PrintApTreeComp = Fold(PrintApTree)

Can you give an example with multiple types?

Multiple types in what sense?

Ah I know what you mean, multiple types together getting the signature generated. As in:

type 'a calc = [...]
and 'b arith = [...]

There’s nothing extra interesting about multiple types, except making the task more cumbersome, because now there might be a calc_result type and an arith_result type… maybe…

Yes if you could provide an example that would be illuminating

Sure, it’s contrived but hopefully interesting.

type _ calc =
  | Lambda: {bind: 'b ref; body: 'a calc} -> ('b -> 'a) calc
  | App: {func: ('a -> 'b) calc; arg: 'a calc} -> 'b calc
  | Var: 'a ref -> 'a calc
  | Comp: 'a arith -> 'a calc

and _ arith =
  | Add_int: int arith * int arith -> int arith
  | Add_float: float arith * float arith -> float arith
  | Const: 'a -> 'a arith

  (* [@@deriving_inline fold_sig] *)
(* START of auto-generated code *)
module type FOLD_CALC = sig
  type 'a calc_result
  type 'a arith_result
  val lambda: bind: 'b ref -> body: 'a calc_result -> ('b -> 'a) calc_result
  val app: func:('a -> 'b) calc_result -> arg: 'a calc_result -> 'b calc_result
  val var: 'a ref -> 'a calc_result
  val comp: 'a arith_result -> 'a calc_result

  val add_int: int arith_result -> int arith_result -> int arith_result
  val add_float: float arith_result -> float arith_result -> float arith_result
  val const: 'a -> 'a arith_result

module Fold(F: FOLD_CALC) = struct
  let fold c =
    let rec calc_loop: 'a. 'a calc -> 'a F.calc_result =
      fun (type a) (calc: a calc) ->
        match calc with
        | Lambda {bind; body} -> (F.lambda ~bind ~body:(calc_loop body) : a F.calc_result)
        | App {func; arg} -> F.app ~func:(calc_loop func) ~arg:(calc_loop arg)
        | Var v -> F.var v
        | Comp c -> F.comp (arith_loop c)
    and arith_loop: 'a. 'a arith -> 'a F.arith_result =
      fun (type a) (arith: a arith) ->
        match arith with
        | Add_int (a1, a2) -> (F.add_int (arith_loop a1) (arith_loop a2): a F.arith_result)
        | Add_float (a1, a2) -> F.add_float (arith_loop a1) (arith_loop a2)
        | Const c -> F.const c in
    calc_loop c
(* [@@@end] *)
(* END of auto-generated code *)

module Eval: FOLD_CALC = struct
  type 'a calc_result = 'a
  type 'a arith_result = 'a
  let lambda ~bind ~body = fun x -> bind := x; body
  let app ~func ~arg = func arg
  let var v = !v
  let comp c = c
  let add_int i1 i2 = Int.add i1 i2
  let add_float i1 i2 = Float.add i1 i2
  let const c = c

module EvalComp = Fold(Eval)

module PrintApTree: FOLD_CALC = struct
  type 'a calc_result = string
  type 'a arith_result = int
  let lambda ~bind:_ ~body = "(fun <some var> -> "^body^")"
  let app ~func ~arg = "("^func^" "^arg^")"
  let var _ = "<some var>"
  let comp c = "(added "^Int.to_string c^" elements)"
  let add_int i1 i2 = i1 + i2
  let add_float i1 i2 = i1 + i2
  let const _ = 1

module PrintApTreeComp = Fold(PrintApTree)

I wonder: what’s the difference between this, and ppx.deriving.fold ? I will confess that I didn’t test whether ppx.deriving.fold can handle more than one type, but at least for a single type, isn’t it about the same (only, without a signature/functor – just a plain old function) ?

Assuming that by ppx.deriving.fold you mean ppx_variants_conv.Variants.fold.

Let’s look at the README example.

module Variant = struct
  type 'constructor t = {
    name : string;
    rank : int;
    constructor : 'constructor

type 'a t =
  | A of 'a
  | B of char
  | C
  | D of int * int
  [@@deriving variants]

  val fold :
    init: 'b
    -> a:('b -> ('a -> 'a t)         Variant.t -> 'c)
    -> b:('c -> (char -> 'a t)       Variant.t -> 'd)
    -> c:('d -> ('a t)               Variant.t -> 'e)
    -> d:('e -> (int -> int -> 'a t) Variant.t -> 'f)
    -> 'f

The corresponding less-boilerplate signature is:

  type b
  type c
  type d
  type e
  type f
  val a: b -> ('a -> 'a t) -> c
  val b: c -> (char -> 'a t) -> d
  val c: d -> ('a t) -> e
  val d: e -> (int -> int -> 'a t) -> f

The functions a, b, c, d do not have access to the content of any information in t. Nay, the fold function itself does not take a value of type t. In other words, Variants.fold is not a fold at all. Folding means destructuring a data structure. Rather, it should be called Variants.with_variant_constructors – its use is to facilitate constructing the data structure.

Oh, no, I meant ppx_deriving.fold. It’s part of the package ppx_deriving, IIRC. I"ve never heard of this Variants.fold to which you refer. Here’s an example (from the unit-test):

type 'a btree =
  | Node of 'a btree * 'a * 'a btree 
  | Leaf [@@deriving fold]

let rec fold_btree poly_a acc =
  | Node (a0, a1, a2) ->
      let acc = let acc = (fold_btree poly_a) acc a0 in poly_a acc a1 in
      (fold_btree poly_a) acc a2
  | Leaf -> acc[@@ocaml.warning "-39"]

For clarity: the fold_btree function was generated. The actual source-code is just the type with the annotaiton.

Ah, indeed! I haven’t had ppx_deriving installed but I had noticed it during googling and forgot about it. It is a proper “fold”, but maybe it doesn’t have all the functionality? (Converting record fields to labels and handling two types – for the use case I’m working on.) And also, signatures are more convenient, for example it’s easier to implement plugins. And moreover:

File "lib/dune", line 10, characters 18-30:
10 |  (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving ppx_jane))
Error: Ppx dependency on a non-ppx library "ppx_deriving". If "ppx_deriving"
is in fact a ppx rewriter library, it should have (kind ppx_rewriter) in its
dune file.

OK, I finally took a close look at the code from ppx_deriving.fold, and it … doesn’t do what you want. Instead it folds over the leaves, and only the leaves. I’ll think about this; let me get back to you. This isn’t a hard problem.

It’s not conceptually hard but I’m now inclined to think it’s OK to write this code by hand, the exhaustiveness check on fold enforces correctness.

As i was thinking over your problem last night, I had a thought. Maybe this is wrong, but maybe not. I think what you’re asking for is actually not a fold at all, but rather the induction combinator. Let me explain:

Suppose we take the type:

type t = O | S t

then what’s your “fold” look like?

module type FOLD_T = sig
type result
val o : result
val s : result → result

module Fold(F :FOLD_T)) = struct
let fold t =
let rec t_loop : t → F.result =
fun (t : t) →
match t with
O → F.o
| S t → F.s (t_loop t)
in t_loop t

that’s the induction principle on the type t, right there. Let’s write it without the functor:

t_induct :
s:(res → res)
t → res

and it is implicit in the match on the type t: you recover the induction combinator by combining match with recursion, and applying the recursive function to all recursive instances.

So let’s do type 'a btree = Leaf | Node of btree * 'a * btree

let bt_induct leaf node =
let rec btrec = function
Leaf → leaf
| Node(l,v,r) → node (btrec l) v (btrec r)
in btrec

What’s the type of this?

b. b → ('a btree → 'a → 'a btree → b) → 'a -btree → b

To sum up: I think there’s little value in writing a PPX rewriter to produce this: you already have it in the match construct in ML – that’s sort of the point of match.

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Could your problem be solved by the visitors library? (manual: http://gallium.inria.fr/~fpottier/visitors/manual.pdf)
IIRC it provides a ppx_deriving plugin that generates classes following the “visitor” pattern that you can use to traverse and fold over your datatype in various ways.

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