Given the following types:
type _ task =
| Success : 'a -> 'a task
| Fail : 'a -> 'a task
| Binding : (('a task -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a task
| AndThen : ('a -> 'b task) * 'a task -> 'b task
| OnError : ('a -> 'b task) * 'a task -> 'b task
type _ stack =
| NoStack : 'a stack
| AndThenStack : ('a -> 'b task) * 'b stack -> 'a stack
| OnErrorStack : ('a -> 'b task) * 'b stack -> 'a stack
type 'a process =
{ root: 'a task
; stack: 'a stack
let rec loop : 'a. 'a process -> unit = fun proc ->
match proc.root with
| Success value ->
let rec step = function
| NoStack -> ()
| AndThenStack (callback, rest) -> loop {proc with root = callback value; stack = rest }
| OnErrorStack (_callback, rest) -> step rest <-- ERROR HERE
step proc.stack
| Fail value ->
let rec step = function
| NoStack -> ()
| AndThenStack (_callback, rest) -> step rest
| OnErrorStack (callback, rest) -> loop {proc with root = callback value; stack = rest }
step proc.stack
| Binding callback -> callback (fun task -> loop {proc with root = task} )
| AndThen (callback, task) -> loop {root = task; stack = AndThenStack (callback, proc.stack)}
| OnError (callback, task) -> loop {root = task; stack = OnErrorStack (callback, proc.stack)}
I get an error from the compiler:
Error: This expression has type b#1 stack but an expression was expected of type 'a stack The type constructor b#1 would escape its scope
In this line of code:
| Success value ->
let rec step = function
| NoStack -> ()
| AndThenStack (callback, rest) -> loop {proc with root = callback value; stack = rest }
| OnErrorStack (_callback, rest) -> step rest <-- ERROR HERE
step proc.stack
I’ve only been working in OCaml for a few months now, and it’s taken a while to get this far without running into an obscure error message that is inevitably corrected by using some helper types for evaluating the GADT types. I haven’t had any luck using a helper type to solve this issue, so I’m starting to wonder if I’m attempting to do something impossible with the type system.
Can anyone shed light on this error? Many Thanks!