Not really, modulo a few details to pin down on the OCaml side the implementation was mostly there (though I guess it likely conflicts nowadays). There were however disagreements with other parties involved on the eco-system aspect which brought the whole endeavour to a halt.
Given all the hours I invested in it that were crushed for what I personally think are unwarranted reasons (which I won’t detail on this forum), I won’t work on this unless there is a strong upstream commitment to go for it. And with the latter now busy with multicore for the foreseable future I think we can effectively say: the whole thing is dead in the water.
But I still think the OCaml toolchain should mandate and understand a notion of library and library dependency. For examples if the archives know which library names they depend on, it could be used to good effect, e.g. to report better errors messages in the cases @kit-ty-kate mentioned above.