Opam Local Library Install Missing Dependancy

I am currently working on a library using Dune and Opam to drive the compilation and development. I am able at the moment to build the library with the dune-project file below (I have removed identifying information that shouldn’t have any effect on the build):

(lang dune 3.11)

(name foo)

(generate_opam_files true)

(authors "...")

(maintainers "Maintainer Name")

 (name foo)
 (synopsis "...")
 (description "...")
	(dune (>= 3.11))
	(ocaml (= 5.1.1))
	(base (= 0.16.2))
	(ezcurl (= 0.2.4)))
  (topics "to describe" your project)))

This builds fine and creates a opam project file like so:

# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
synopsis: "..."
description: "..."
maintainer: ["Maintainer Name"]
authors: ["..."]
tags: ["topics" "to describe" "your" "project"]
depends: [
  "dune" {>= "3.11" & >= "3.11"}
  "ocaml" {= "5.1.1"}
  "base" {= "0.16.2"}
  "ezcurl" {= "0.2.4"}
  "odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
  ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
    "@runtest" {with-test}
    "@doc" {with-doc}

However, I want to use the library in Opam so I can use it in an executable. When I attempt this (opam install .), I get this error:

[NOTE] Ignoring uncommitted changes in
       /Users/(...)/(...)/(...) (`--working-dir'
       not active).
[foo.~dev] synchronised (no changes)
[ERROR] Package conflict!
  * Missing dependency:
    - base < v0.9.0
    no matching version

No solution found, exiting

As you can see, I am using Base 0.16.3 and not anything less. I attempted to run opam upgrade --verbose to see if I could figure out what was going on. I got this error:

Constructing initial basis...
Number of 0-1 knapsack inequalities = 9
Constructing conflict graph...
Conflict graph has 6 + 1 = 7 vertices
Everything as up-to-date as possible (run with --verbose to show unavailable
However, you may "opam upgrade" these packages explicitly, which will ask
permission to downgrade or uninstall the conflicting packages.
Nothing to do.

Additionally, while I was attempting to sort this out, I got this error:

Constructing initial basis...
Number of 0-1 knapsack inequalities = 9
Constructing conflict graph...
Conflict graph has 6 + 1 = 7 vertices
Everything as up-to-date as possible.
The following newer versions couldn't be installed:
  - ocamlbuild.0.14.2+win: unmet availability conditions: 'os = "win32"'
However, you may "opam upgrade" these packages explicitly, which will ask
permission to downgrade or uninstall the conflicting packages.
Nothing to do.

I am on a Mac so I am not sure why this was there at all. I tried to remove it but I couldn’t so I just removed ocamlbuild completely from my install to see if that would fix it (this also removed utop but I don’t really care about that right now). I have also completely re-initalized Opam because I thought maybe its state had somehow become corrupt but that led to the same situation. Also, I thought this might have to do with the machine I was running this on but I got the same error on a Linux machine that has a different install of Opam+Dune on it. I am kind of at the end of my knowledge on how to get this to work. Is there something that I am missing to install a local library that is under heavy development into Opam so I can use it else where? I am not sure what I did to mess up my Opam install as well. Any advice would be gratefully received.

for legacy reasons JaneStreet packages all have a v prefix in them. So you’re trying to install base.0.16.2 which doesn’t exists. Instead you should have:

  "base" {= "v0.16.2"}

That said, the bad error message is a known issue, I’ve added it to the ongoing discussion for the future fix: Conflict messages · ocaml/opam · Discussion #5130 · GitHub
At the moment none of the opam maintainers have time to fix that but once opam 2.2.0 is out I should be able to look at it again.

Hi. Thanks for looking at this! I think that has done it. Thank you again.

Also, for anyone else who runs into this, opam checks your committed changes so if you make a quick change and you do not commit it, opam will not pick it up unless you set --working-dir like so opam install --working-dir .