OPAM-CI Windows runs: how do I see the logs?

I’m trying (it’s trying, but I’m trying) to get various packages working on Windows, and to do so, I need to verify things like “they got installed with the correct names” since I don’t run Windows anywhere and never have in my entire professional career. Is there a way to get the OPAM-CI windows CI machinery to give access to the logs ? The UNIX runs show the runs for the packages being tested, and in any case, I can always repro in a docker environment for most of the CI runs. But for Windows, obvs. that won’t work.

Anybody got advice?

The Windows run also shows the log for each package being tested, or am I missing a detail/subtlety?

I’m not sure that trying to fix Windows packaging by CI golf with GitHub Actions is going to be particularly gratifying, but you could do it with self PRs on your own opam-repository fork, and simply add more things to the commands (the workflow is relatively simple in .github/workflows) - for example, adding -v to the opam install commands to see more information, etc,

Haha, yeah, “CI golf with GitHub Actions” is what I’ve been doing, with the assistance of a couple of very, very kind souls. It’s not fun, and I cannot imagine it’s fun for them. Enough of that. Enough. I need to figure out how to run the CI myself. Do you have any pointers to how to do that? An example of an OPAM package that has a workflow I could clone and then modify, would probably be enough.

GitHub - ocaml/setup-ocaml: GitHub Action for the OCaml programming language - quite a few of the main OCaml packages have workflows using it for Windows. num’s is quite straightforward IIRC - num/.github/workflows/ci.yml at master · ocaml/num · GitHub

thank you! I will try this out! Like, -today- I will try it out!

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