Ocamldebug “does not support channel locks”: what does it means?

Edit: Please ignore this topic. It was opened far too fast…

This morning, I wanted to use ocamldebug, but hit an error I never saw before. Is it something new? What’s it’s meaning?
In my case, I really can’t restart the program, because it has passed the point where it reads data from a socket…

$ ocamldebug _build/default/pgm/my_program.bc 
	OCaml Debugger version 4.12.0

(ocd) break @ Locations 58
Loading program... done.
Breakpoint 1 at 0:1334204: file lib/locations.ml, line 58, characters 3-1224
(ocd) run
Fatal error: debugger does not support channel locks
Lost connection with process 22628 (active process)
between time 50000 and time 60000
Restart from time 50000 and try to get closer of the problem ? (y or n) 

In the meantime, I found this closed issue

Fatal error: debugger does not support channel locks · Issue #10517 · ocaml/ocaml · GitHub

But I used to debug this program (whose structure was not modified since that) with a former version of OCaml.

Oh. And it works with OCaml Debugger version 4.11.1.

Seems like a regression to me…

Except that I do not know how to make a repro case. :frowning:

Anyway, first, I have to test with #10594 applied.

Please ignore this topic. It was opened far too fast…

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