I’m trying to create a minimal working example of a Json-RPC with rpclib. So far I have the following:
module MyServer (R : Idl.RPC) = struct
open R
open Idl
let description = Interface.{
name = "";
namespace = Some "";
description = [""];
version = 1, 0, 0;
let implementation = implement description
let i = Param.mk Rpc.Types.int
let e1 = Idl.DefaultError.err
let add = declare "add" [] (i @-> i @-> returning i e1)
module M = Idl.IdM
module MyIdl = Idl.Make (M)
module Server = MyServer (MyIdl.GenServer ())
let _ =
Server.add (fun a b -> MyIdl.ErrM.return (a+b));
let rpc_func = MyIdl.server Server.implementation in
let rec loop _ =
let open M in
match In_channel.input_line In_channel.stdin with
| None -> loop ()
| Some inp ->
if String.equal "" inp then loop () else
let call = Jsonrpc.call_of_string inp in
Printf.printf "%s\n" (Rpc.string_of_call call);
rpc_func call >>= fun res -> Jsonrpc.string_of_response res |> return
>>= fun res -> Printf.fprintf Out_channel.stdout "%s\n" res;
loop ()
loop ()
If I run the above code from the command line it seems to wait for an input as expected. If I type in
followed by a return I get the following:
-> add(I(2),I(3))
Fatal error: exception Idl.UnknownMethod("add")
I’m a bit at a loss why that is happening, as it seems to parse the incoming json call correctly.
Thanks for any input