OCaml future development

There is a process for bringing new modules into stdlib, as evinced by a recent thread: Adding Dynamic Arrays / Vectors to StdLib

Asking for a “batteries-included” stdlib akin to those provided with Go or Python seems like a non sequitur. The OCaml maintainers have quite explicitly chosen a minimalist library strategy, allowing/encouraging users to find the best solutions to problems that aren’t essential to the language’s implementation. (To wit, even what might be considered a “low level” detail like lightweight concurrency is serviced by popular community libraries, lwt and Async.) Asking or hoping for a change in this disposition is pretty unrealistic, and would likely disrupt those that have made bets on OCaml because of its approach in this regard.

To be clear, none of this precludes the development of libraries (or suites of them, constituting a framework for your domain(s) of interest) becoming popular enough to be de rigueur standards (viz. as Rails was/is for Ruby). I think hoping for progress there is more realistic, and quite desirable.