Why OCaml 4.07.1 gives almost identical backtrace in case of exception?
ERROR: Writing file from Bigarray failed!
ERROR: (Unix.Unix_error "Permission denied" map_file "") Raised at file "format.ml" (inlined), line 242, characters 35-52
Called from file "format.ml", line 469, characters 8-33
Called from file "format.ml", line 484, characters 6-24
It happens in this function and see the code I use to show the backtrace:
let file_write_bigarray ~path ?(pos=0L) ~data =
let data_size = Bigarray.Array1.dim data in
let fd = Unix.openfile path ~mode:[Unix.O_WRONLY;Unix.O_CREAT] in
let ba = Bigarray.array1_of_genarray (Caml.Unix.map_file fd
~pos Bigarray.char
Bigarray.c_layout true [|data_size|])
Bigarray.Array1.blit data ba;
Unix.close fd
| e ->
Lwt_io.printf "ERROR: Writing file from Bigarray failed!\n" |> ignore;
let msg = Exn.to_string e
and stack = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
Lwt_io.printf "ERROR: %s %s\n" msg stack |> ignore
Ok, the exception string is OK, but why backtrace shows format.ml
instead of the actual file name?