OCaml 4.11.0 released

I have the pleasure of announcing the release of OCaml version 4.11.0,
dedicated to the memory of Blaise Pascal on the anniversary of his death.

Some of the highlights in this release are:

  • Statmemprof: a new statistical memory profiler
  • A new instrumented runtime that logs runtime statistics in a standard format
  • A native backend for the RISC-V architecture
  • Improved backtraces that refer to function names
  • Support for recursive and yet unboxed types
  • A quoted extension syntax for ppxs.
  • Many quality of life improvements
  • Many bug fixes.

The full list of change can be found in the changelog below:

OCaml 4.11.0 (19 August 2020)

(Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a “*breaking change” warning)

Runtime system:

  • #9096: Print function names in backtraces.
    Old output:

    Called from file “foo.ml”, line 16, characters 42-53

    New output:

    Called from Foo.bar in file “foo.ml”, line 16, characters 42-53

    (Stephen Dolan, review by Leo White and Mark Shinwell)

  • #9082: The instrumented runtime now records logs in the CTF format.
    A new API is available in the runtime to collect runtime statistics,
    replacing the previous instrumented runtime macros.
    Gc.eventlog_pause and Gc.eventlog_resume were added to allow user to control
    instrumentation in a running program.
    See the manual for more information on how to use this instrumentation mode.
    (Enguerrand Decorne and Stephen Dolan, with help and review from
    David Allsopp, SĂ©bastien Hinderer, review by Anil Madhavapeddy,
    NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r, Shakthi Kannan, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Gabriel Scherer,
    Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni, Damien Doligez, Leo White, Daniel BĂŒnzli
    and Xavier Leroy)

  • #9230, #9362: Memprof support for native allocations.
    (Jacques-Henri Jourdan and Stephen Dolan, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #8920, #9238, #9239, #9254, #9458: New API for statistical memory profiling
    in Memprof.Gc. The new version does no longer use ephemerons and allows
    registering callbacks for promotion and deallocation of memory
    The new API no longer gives the block tags to the allocation callback.
    (Stephen Dolan and Jacques-Henri Jourdan, review by Damien Doligez
    and Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9353: Reimplement output_value and the Marshal.to_* functions
    using a hash table to detect sharing, instead of temporary in-place
    modifications. This is a prerequisite for Multicore OCaml.
    (Xavier Leroy and Basile Clément, review by Gabriel Scherer and
    Stephen Dolan)

  • #9119: Make [caml_stat_resize_noexc] compatible with the [realloc]
    API when the old block is NULL.
    (Jacques-Henri Jourdan, review by Xavier Leroy)

  • #9233: Restore the bytecode stack after an allocation.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Gabriel Scherer and Jacques-Henri Jourdan)

  • #9249: restore definition of ARCH_ALIGN_INT64 in m.h if the architecture
    requires 64-bit integers to be double-word aligned (autoconf regression)
    (David Allsopp, review by SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

  • #9259: Made Ephemeron.blit_key and Weak.blit faster. They are now
    linear in the size of the range being copied instead of depending on the
    total sizes of the ephemerons or weak arrays involved.
    (Arseniy Alekseyev, design advice by Leo White, review by François Bobot
    and Damien Doligez)

  • #9279: Memprof optimisation.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Jacques-Henri Jourdan)

  • #9280: Micro-optimise allocations on amd64 to save a register.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Xavier Leroy)

  • #9426: build the Mingw ports with higher levels of GCC optimization
    (Xavier Leroy, review by SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

  • [breaking change] #9483: Remove accidental inclusion of <stdio.h> in <caml/misc.h>
    The only release with the inclusion of stdio.h has been 4.10.0
    (Christopher Zimmermann, review by Xavier Leroy and David Allsopp)
  • #9282: Make Cconst_symbol have typ_int to fix no-naked-pointers mode.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Mark Shinwell, Xavier Leroy and Vincent Laviron)

  • #9497: Harmonise behaviour between bytecode and native code for
    recursive module initialisation in one particular case (fixes #9494).
    (Mark Shinwell, David Allsopp, Vincent Laviron, Xavier Leroy,
    Geoff Reedy, original bug report by Arlen Cox)

  • #8791: use a variable-length encoding when marshalling bigarray dimensions,
    avoiding overflow.
    (Jeremy Yallop, Stephen Dolan, review by Xavier Leroy)

Code generation and optimizations:

  • #9441: Add RISC-V RV64G native-code backend.
    (NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r, review by Xavier Leroy and Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9316, #9443, #9463, #9782: Use typing information from Clambda
    for mutable Cmm variables.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Vincent Laviron, Guillaume Bury, Xavier Leroy,
    and Gabriel Scherer; temporary bug report by Richard Jones)

  • #8637, #8805, #9247, #9296: Record debug info for each allocation.
    (Stephen Dolan and Jacques-Henri Jourdan, review by Damien Doligez,
    KC Sivaramakrishnan and Xavier Leroy)

  • #9193: Make tuple matching optimisation apply to Lswitch and Lstringswitch.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Thomas Refis and Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9392: Visit registers at most once in Coloring.iter_preferred.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Pierre Chambart and Xavier Leroy)

  • #9549, #9557: Make -flarge-toc the default for PowerPC and introduce
    -fsmall-toc to enable the previous behaviour.
    (David Allsopp, report by Nathaniel Wesley Filardo, review by Xavier Leroy)

Language features

  • #8820, #9166: quoted extensions: {%foo|
|} is lighter syntax for
    [%foo {||}], and {%foo bar|
|bar} for [%foo {bar|
    (Gabriel Radanne, Leo White, Gabriel Scherer and Pieter Goetschalckx,
    request by Bikal Lem)

  • #7364, #2188, #9592, #9609: improvement of the unboxability check for types
    with a single constructor. Mutually-recursive type declarations can
    now contain unboxed types. This is based on the paper
    [1811.02300] Unboxing Mutually Recursive Type Definitions in OCaml
    (Gabriel Scherer and Rodolphe Lepigre,
    review by Jeremy Yallop, Damien Doligez and Frédéric Bour)

  • #1154, #1706: spellchecker hints and type-directed disambiguation
    for extensible sum type constructors
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Alain Frisch, Gabriel Radanne, Gabriel Scherer
    and Leo White)

  • #6673, #1132, #9617: Relax the handling of explicit polymorphic types.
    This improves error messages in some polymorphic recursive definition,
    and requires less polymorphic annotations in some cases of
    mutually-recursive definitions involving polymorphic recursion.
    (Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue and Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9232: allow any class type paths in #-types,
    For instance, “val f: #F(X).t → unit” is now allowed.
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer, suggestion by Leo White)

Standard library:

  • #9077: Add Seq.cons and Seq.append
    (SĂ©bastien Briais, review by Yawar Amin and Florian Angeletti)

  • #9235: Add Array.exists2 and Array.for_all2
    (Bernhard Schommer, review by Armaël Guéneau)

  • #9226: Add Seq.unfold.
    (Jeremy Yallop, review by Hezekiah M. Carty, Gabriel Scherer and
    Gabriel Radanne)

  • #9059: Added List.filteri function, same as List.filter but
    with the index of the element.
    (LĂ©o AndrĂšs, review by Alain Frisch)

  • #8894: Added List.fold_left_map function combining map and fold.
    (Bernhard Schommer, review by Alain Frisch and github user @cfcs)

  • #9365: Set.filter_map and Map.filter_map
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Stephen Dolan and NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r)

  • #9248: Add Printexc.default_uncaught_exception_handler
    (Raphael Sousa Santos, review by Daniel BĂŒnzli)

  • #8771: Lexing: add set_position and set_filename to change (fake)
    the initial tracking position of the lexbuf.
    (Konstantin Romanov, Miguel Lumapat, review by Gabriel Scherer,
    SĂ©bastien Hinderer, and David Allsopp)

  • #9237: Format.pp_update_geometry ppf (fun geo -> {geo with ...})
    for formatter geometry changes that are robust to new geometry fields.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Josh Berdine and Florian Angeletti)

  • #7110: Added Printf.ikbprintf and Printf.ibprintf
    (Muskan Garg, review by Gabriel Scherer and Florian Angeletti)

  • #9266: Install pretty-printer for the exception Fun.Finally_raised.
    (Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni, review by Daniel BĂŒnzli, Gabriel Radanne,
    and Gabriel Scherer)

Other libraries:

  • #9106: Register printer for Unix_error in win32unix, as in unix.
    (Christopher Zimmermann, review by David Allsopp)

  • #9183: Preserve exception backtrace of exceptions raised by top-level phrases
    of dynlinked modules.
    (NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r, review by Xavier Clerc and Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9320, #9550: under Windows, make sure that the Unix.exec* functions
    properly quote their argument lists.
    (Xavier Leroy, report by André Maroneze, review by Nicolås Ojeda BÀr
    and David Allsopp)

  • #9490, #9505: ensure proper rounding of file times returned by
    Unix.stat, Unix.lstat, Unix.fstat.
    (Xavier Leroy and Guillaume Melquiond, report by David Brown,
    review by Gabriel Scherer and David Allsopp)


  • #9283, #9455, #9457: add a new toplevel directive #use_output "<command>" to
    run a command and evaluate its output.
    (Jérémie Dimino, review by David Allsopp)

  • #6969: Argument -nocwd added to ocamldep
    (Muskan Garg, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #8676, #9594: turn debugger off in programs launched by the program
    being debugged
    (Xavier Leroy, report by Michael Soegtrop, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9057: aid debugging the debugger by preserving backtraces of unhandled
    (David Allsopp, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9276: objinfo: cma print extra C options, objects and dlls in
    the order given on the cli. Follow up to #4949.
    (Daniel BĂŒnzli, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #463: objinfo: better errors on object files coming
    from a different (older or newer), incompatible compiler version.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Gabriel Radanne and Damien Doligez)

  • #9181: make objinfo work on Cygwin and look for the caml_plugin_header
    symbol in both the static and the dynamic symbol tables.
    (SĂ©bastien Hinderer, review by Gabriel Scherer and David Allsopp)

  • [breaking change] #9197: remove compatibility logic from #244 that was designed to
    synchronize toplevel printing margins with Format.std_formatter,
    but also resulted in unpredictable/fragile changes to formatter
    Setting the margins on the desired formatters should now work.
    typically on Format.std_formatter.
    Note that there currently is no robust way to do this from the
    toplevel, as applications may redirect toplevel printing. In
    a compiler/toplevel driver, one should instead access
    Location.formatter_for_warnings; it is not currently exposed
    to the toplevel.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Armaël Guéneau)
  • #9207, #9210: fix ocamlyacc to work correctly with up to 255 entry
    points to the grammar.
    (Andreas Abel, review by Xavier Leroy)

  • #9482, #9492: use diversions (@file) to work around OS limitations
    on length of Sys.command argument.
    (Xavier Leroy, report by Jérémie Dimino, review by David Allsopp)

  • #9552: restore ocamloptp build and installation
    (Florian Angeletti, review by David Allsopp and Xavier Leroy)

Manual and documentation:

  • #9141: beginning of the ocamltest reference manual
    (SĂ©bastien Hinderer, review by Gabriel Scherer and Thomas Refis)

  • #9228: Various Map documentation improvements: add missing key argument in
    the ‘merge’ example; clarify the relationship between input and output keys
    in ‘union’; note that find and find_opt return values, not bindings.
    (Jeremy Yallop, review by Gabriel Scherer and Florian Angeletti)

  • #9255, #9300: reference chapter, split the expression grammar
    (Florian Angeletti, report by Harrison Ainsworth, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9325: documented base case for List.for_all and List.exists
    (Glenn Slotte, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #9410, #9422: replaced naive fibonacci example with gcd
    (Anukriti Kumar, review by San Vu Ngoc, Florian Angeletti, LĂ©o AndrĂšs)

  • #9541: Add a documentation page for the instrumented runtime;
    additional changes to option names in the instrumented runtime.
    (Enguerrand Decorne, review by Anil Madhavapeddy, Gabriel Scherer,
    Daniel BĂŒnzli, David Allsopp, Florian Angeletti,
    and SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

  • #9610: manual, C FFI: naked pointers are deprecated, detail the
    forward-compatible options for handling out-of-heap pointers.
    (Xavier Leroy, review by Mark Shinwell, David Allsopp and Florian Angeletti)

  • #9618: clarify the Format documentation on the margin and maximum indentation
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Josh Berdine)

  • #8644: fix formatting comment about @raise in stdlib’s mli files
    (Élie Brami, review by David Allsopp)

  • #9327, #9401: manual, fix infix attribute examples
    (Florian Angeletti, report by David Cadé, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9403: added a description for warning 67 and added a “.” at the end of
    warnings for consistency.
    (Muskan Garg, review by Gabriel Scherer and Florian Angeletti)

  • #7708, #9580: Ensure Stdlib documentation index refers to Stdlib.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Florian Angeletti, report by Hannes Mehnert)

Compiler user-interface and warnings:

  • #9712: Update the version format to allow “~”.
    The new format is “major.minor[.patchlevel][(+|~)additional-info]”,
    for instance “4.12.0~beta1+flambda”.
    This is a documentation-only change for the 4.11 branch, the new format
    will be used starting with the 4.12 branch.
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Damien Doligez and Xavier Leroy)

  • #1664: make -output-complete-obj link the runtime native c libraries when
    building shared libraries like -output-obj.
    (Florian Angeletti, review by NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r)

  • #9349: Support [@inlined hint] attribute.
    (Leo White, review by Stephen Dolan)

  • #2141: generate .annot files from cmt data; deprecate -annot.
    (NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r, review by Alain Frisch, Gabriel Scherer and Damien

  • [breaking change] #7678, #8631: ocamlc -c and ocamlopt -c pass same switches to the C
    compiler when compiling .c files (in particular, this means ocamlopt
    passes -fPIC on systems requiring it for shared library support).
    (David Allsopp, report by Daniel BĂŒnzli, review by SĂ©bastien Hinderer)
  • #9074: reworded error message for non-regular structural types
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Jacques Garrigue and Leo White,
    report by Chas Emerick)

  • #8938: Extend ocamlopt option “-stop-after” to handle “scheduling” argument.
    (Greta Yorsh, review by Florian Angeletti and SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

  • #8945, #9086: Fix toplevel show directive to work with constructors
    (Simon Parry, review by Gabriel Scherer, Jeremy Yallop,
    Alain Frisch, Florian Angeletti)

  • #9107: improved error message for exceptions in module signature errors
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #9208: -dno-locations option to hide source locations (and debug events)
    from intermediate-representation dumps (-dfoo).
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Vincent Laviron)

  • #9393: Improve recursive module usage warnings
    (Leo White, review by Thomas Refis)

  • #9486: Fix configuration for the Haiku operating system
    (Sylvain Kerjean, review by David Allsopp and SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

Internal/compiler-libs changes:

  • #9021: expose compiler Longident.t parsers
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9452: Add locations to docstring attributes
    (Leo White, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #463: a new Misc.Magic_number module for user-friendly parsing
    and validation of OCaml magic numbers.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Gabriel Radanne and Damien Doligez)

  • #1176: encourage better compatibility with older Microsoft C compilers by
    using GCC’s -Wdeclaration-after-statement when available. Introduce
    Caml_inline to stop abuse of the inline keyword on MSVC and to help ensure
    that only static inline is used in the codebase (erroneous instance in
    runtime/win32.c removed).
    (David Allsopp, review by Oliver Andrieu and Xavier Leroy)

  • #8934: Stop relying on location to track usage
    (Thomas Refis, review by Gabriel Radanne)

  • #8970: separate value patterns (matching on values) from computation patterns
    (matching on the effects of a copmutation) in the typedtree.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Jacques Garrigue and Alain Frisch)

  • #9060: ensure that Misc.protect_refs preserves backtraces
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni and David Allsopp)

  • #9078: make all compilerlibs/ available to ocamltest.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

  • #9079: typecore/parmatch: refactor ppat_of_type and refine
    the use of backtracking on wildcard patterns
    (Florian Angeletti, Jacques Garrigue, Gabriel Scherer,
    review by Thomas Refis)

  • #9081: typedtree, make the pat_env field of pattern data immutable
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Jacques Garrigue, report by Alain Frisch)

  • #9178, #9182, #9196: refactor label-disambiguation (Typecore.NameChoice)
    (Gabriel Scherer, Thomas Refis, Florian Angeletti and Jacques Garrigue,
    reviewing each other without self-loops)

  • #9321, #9322, #9359, #9361, #9417, #9447: refactor the
    pattern-matching compiler
    (Thomas Refis and Gabriel Scherer, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #9211, #9215, #9222: fix Makefile dependencies in
    compilerlibs, dynlink, ocamltest.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Vincent Laviron and David Allsopp)

  • #9305: Avoid polymorphic compare in Ident
    (Leo White, review by Xavier Leroy and Gabriel Scherer)

  • #7927: refactor val_env met_env par_env to class_env
    (Muskan Garg, review by Gabriel Scherer and Florian Angeletti)

  • #2324, #9613: Replace the caml_int_compare and caml_float_compare
    (C functions) with primitives.
    (Greta Yorsh, review by Stephen Dolan and Vincent Laviron)

  • #9246: Avoid rechecking functor applications
    (Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue)

  • #9402: Remove sudo:false from .travis.yml
    (Hikaru Yoshimura)

  • [breaking change] #9411: forbid optional arguments reordering with -nolabels
    (Thomas Refis, review by Frédéric Bour and Jacques Garrigue)
  • #9414: testsuite, ocamltest: keep test artifacts only on failure.
    Use KEEP_TEST_DIR_ON_SUCCESS=1 to keep all artifacts.
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

Build system:

  • #9250: Add --disable-ocamltest to configure and disable building for
    non-development builds.
    (David Allsopp, review by SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

Bug fixes:

  • #7520, #9547: Odd behaviour of refutation cases with polymorphic variants
    (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo White, reviews by Gabriel Scherer and Leo)

  • #7562, #9456: ocamlopt-generated code crashed on Alpine Linux on
    ppc64le, arm, and i386. Fixed by turning PIE off for musl-based Linux
    systems except amd64 (x86_64) and s390x.
    (Xavier Leroy, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #7683, #1499: Fixes one case where the evaluation order in native-code
    may not match the one in bytecode.
    (NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r, report by Pierre Chambart, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #7696, #6608: Record expression deleted when all fields specified
    (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop)

  • #7741, #9645: Failure to report escaping type variable
    (Jacques Garrigue, report by Gabriel Radanne, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #7817, #9546: Unsound inclusion check for polymorphic variant
    (Jacques Garrigue, report by Mikhail Mandrykin, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #7897, #9537: Fix warning 38 for rebound extension constructors
    (Leo White, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #7917, #9426: Use GCC option -fexcess-precision=standard when available,
    avoiding a problem with x87 excess precision in Float.round.
    (Xavier Leroy, review by SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

  • #9011: Allow linking .cmxa files with no units on MSVC by not requiring the
    .lib file to be present.
    (David Allsopp, report by Dimitry Bely, review by Xavier Leroy)

  • #9064: Relax the level handling when unifying row fields
    (Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue)

  • #9097: Do not emit references to dead labels introduced by #2321 (spacetime).
    (Greta Yorsh, review by Mark Shinwell)

  • #9163: Treat loops properly in un_anf
    (Leo White, review by Mark Shinwell, Pierre Chambart and Vincent Laviron)

  • #9189, #9281: fix a conflict with Gentoo build system
    by removing an one-letter Makefile variable.
    (Florian Angeletti, report by Ralph Seichter, review by David Allsopp
    and Damien Doligez)

  • #9225: Do not drop bytecode debug info after C calls.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Gabriel Scherer and Jacques-Henri Jourdan)

  • #9231: Make sure a debug event (and the corresponding debug
    information) is inserted after every primitive that can appear in a
    collected call stack, and make sure ocamlc preserves such events
    even if they are at tail position.
    (Jacques-Henri Jourdan, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9244: Fix some missing usage warnings
    (Leo White, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #9274, avoid reading cmi file while printing types
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9307, #9345: reproducible env summaries for reproducible compilation
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Leo White)

  • #9309, #9318: Fix exhaustivity checking with empty types
    (Florian Angeletti, Stefan Muenzel and Thomas Refis, review by Gabriel Scherer
    and Thomas Refis)

  • #9335: actually have --disable-stdlib-manpages not build the manpages
    (implementation conflicted with #8837 which wasn’t picked up in review)
    (David Allsopp, review by Florian Angeletti and SĂ©bastien Hinderer)

  • #9343: Re-enable -short-paths for some error messages
    (Leo White, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #9355, #9356: ocamldebug, fix a fatal error when printing values
    whose type involves a functor application.
    (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer, report by Cyril Six)

  • #9367: Make bytecode and native-code backtraces agree.
    (Stephen Dolan, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9375, #9477: add forgotten substitution when compiling anonymous modules
    (Thomas Refis, review by Frédéric Bour, report by Andreas Hauptmann)

  • #9384, #9385: Fix copy scope bugs in substitutions
    (Leo White, review by Thomas Refis, report by Nick Roberts)

  • [breaking change] #9388: Prohibit signature local types with constraints
    (Leo White, review by Jacques Garrigue)
  • #9406, #9409: fix an error with packed module types from missing
    (Florian Angeletti, report by Thomas Leonard, review by Gabriel Radanne
    and Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9415: Treat open struct as include struct in toplevel
    (Leo White, review by Thomas Refis)

  • #9416: Avoid warning 58 in flambda ocamlnat
    (Leo White, review by Florian Angeletti)

  • #9420: Fix memory leak when caml_output_value_to_block raises an exception
    (Xavier Leroy, review by Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni)

  • #9428: Fix truncated exception backtrace for C->OCaml callbacks
    on Power and Z System
    (Xavier Leroy, review by NicolĂĄs Ojeda BĂ€r)

  • #9623, #9642: fix typing environments in Typedecl.transl_with_constraint
    (Gabriel Scherer, review by Jacques Garrigue and Leo White,
    report by Hugo Heuzard)

  • #9695, #9702: no error when opening an alias to a missing module
    (Jacques Garrigue, report and review by Gabriel Scherer)

  • #9714, #9724: Add a terminator to the caml_domain_state structure
    to better ensure that members are correctly spaced.
    (Antonin DĂ©cimo, review by David Allsopp and Xavier Leroy)


https://ocaml.org/releases/4.11.0.html is linked in several places on ocaml.org (eg https://ocaml.org/docs/install.html “For more information about this release, see the 4.11.0 page.”) but it’s a 404

The site ocaml.org has not been updated yet, but this should be fixed soon.

A bit unrelated, but I noticed how times of Travis CI job build times are decreasing with the newer OCaml versions for the same package. For example, the ppx_deriving_protobuf today:

Always good to see such an improvements :+1: