OBazl Toolsuite - tools for building OCaml with Bazel

There’s really no comparison. Dune evidently can use the (C ABI) outputs of a “foreign” build (if you write the glue code needed to make this work) but there’s no real build integration, and no hermeticity guarantees. Under Bazel different languages use different rulesets but they’re all Bazel rulesets, so you get one dependency graph across all languages, and if the rulesets are hermetic you get a hermetic build. Without ABI restrictions. For example if your build needs to run a Python (or Javascript, Ruby, whatever) tool, Bazel will build the tool and run it for you.

Even for C I think Bazel has much better integration. The rules in rules_cc (e.g. cc_library producing a .a file) deliver a CcInfo provider (a provider is a kind of struct whose fields contain the artifacts delivered by a build action). The rules in rules_ocaml (e.g. ocaml_module) understand CcInfo dependencies and pass them around using OcamlProvider (a provider specific to the ocaml rules). Bazel supports a merge operation for CcInfo, and the ocaml rules always merge their CcInfo deps and pass them on. So every build target delivers the merge of all its CcInfo deps. The ocaml_binary rule that links its dependencies into an executable merges its CcInfo deps (which include merged CcInfo from their deps, recursively) and ends up with a single CcInfo containing every cc dependency in the dep graph, in the right order, with no duplicates. Then its simply a matter of constructing the link command with the appropriate --ccopt options. More succinctly: you can add a C dep directly to the module that needs it, and Bazel it pass it up the dependency chain, ensuring that it ends up on the command line when needed - building archives or executables. You don’t need to add a C dep to an archive target when only one of n modules in the archive actually depends on it.

I’ve just started working on rules_jsoo, which I think will nicely demonstrate the virtues of Bazel integration. The Bazel ecosystem includes a bunch of tools for working with Javascript; for example rules_js and rules_nodejs make it easy to control which node toolchain version to use, integrate npm stuff, etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to use such tools directly, without writing a bunch of glue code? Now a key element of Bazel integration is the use of providers. Rules deliver providers, and since providers act as a kind of rudimentary type system, I can use the JsInfo provider (defined by rules_js) to integrate rules_jsoo with the larger Bazel js ecoystem. For example, the jsoo_library rule takes the OcamlProvider provider delivered by ocaml_module rules, which contains the .cmo file. So jsoo_library runs those .cmo files through the jsoo compiler and delivers the resulting js files in a JsInfo provider. That provider is suitable as input to the rules in rules_js, which gives us seamless integration. So we can use the js_binary rule of rules_js to run code produced by jsoo_library under node. All that’s needed is to list the latter as a dependency of the former. That’s the plan, anyway. Isn’t that nice?

