Multiple domains design question in Eio/etc

I have an app design question regarding the use of multiple domains in say Eio or some other multicore library. We can do eg

let num_domains = Domain.recommended_domain_count () - 1
let additional_domains = Eio.Stdenv.domain_manager env, num_domains
... ~additional_domains ...

…to make the server run on multiple domains (I assume that’s how it works).

But suppose I have another part of my app that uses the Eio.Executor_pool to run background jobs on multiple cores. And I also need to pass it similar arguments:

Eio.Executor_pool.create ~sw domain_count:num_domains (Eio.Stdenv.domain_manager env)

So do these different functions coordinate to ensure that they don’t create num_domains + num_domains domains? Ie, do they check the existing number of domains before creating new ones? Or is that check guaranteed by Eio at a lower level?

Unfortunately the answer is no. The implementation of the Cohttp_eio.Server predates Eio.Executor_pool. This is why it uses the raw domain spawning API rather than using a pool. In fact, it is Eio.Net.run_server that uses the API – I think there’s a good argument here to change this to using a pool (perhaps an issue for this would be good).

As a workaround, you can wrap the existing domain manager implementation to do something more clever (e.g. use a pool or something like that maybe).


Got it. I think two tracking issues will be needed as two APIs will change:

EDIT: I also want to say that this analysis was fairly trivial thanks to Eio’s design exposing functions which take the domain manager. I think this is a win for the capabilities-based design.

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Although the Eio.Executor_pool.submit function seems to be designed for only one subsystem to have access to the pool and submit coarse-grained jobs to it, not for multiple decoupled subsystems. I can’t see a way for both an HTTP server and an async message queue (eg) subsystem to share the same pool.

EDIT: made a suggestion which I think is pertinent: Eio.Net.run_server should take an executor pool instead of the domain manager (maybe?) · Issue #791 · ocaml-multicore/eio · GitHub

OK, I’ve suggested a multi-core runtime strategy, basically:

let () = @@ env -> on multiple cores...

  (* Distribute slices of the array across all worker domains *)
  let result = Par.sum env large_float_array in

So this takes care of starting up the recommended number of domains and running the app across all of them, while also setting up a way to submit parallelized (ie CPU-intensive) tasks and getting a promise of the result.

This is a POC right now (linked above) but I believe this is a good direction: users don’t need to worry about setting up domains, they don’t need to hand over all of the domains to a specific subsystem like the HTTP server, they don’t need to figure out how many domains to allocate for what.

Of course, this is not thoroughly tested or benchmarked right now; more to come. But happy to discuss more.

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Sorry to interfere with this question, but I’d just like to mention that this is exactly what Miou offers with Miou.parallel:

let () = @@ fun () ->
  let result = Miou.parallel sum large_float_array in

You can see the documentation here (with a little example): Miou.parallel. And about an HTTP server, httpcats is released and actually it follows the pattern you suggest.


4 posts were split to a new topic: On concurrency models

Hey folks, just a reminder that this thread is meant to be about parallelism/concurrency strategies in Eio. Thanks.

There’s an interesting discussion going on here regarding domains vs threads as building blocks and the merits of user-defined concurrency. Admins, can we split this discussion thread up?