Modules moved out of `Async_extra`

At Jane Street, we recently removed a number of modules from the
Async_extra library:

  • Cpu_usage
  • Dynamic_port_writer
  • File_tail
  • Persistent_singleton
  • Sequencer_table
  • Tcp_file
  • Unpack_sequence
  • Versioned_typed_tcp

These modules are now available as separate standalone libraries that
depend on Async. Please let us know if you would like us to release
any of them.

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I’m using Unpack_sequence, so would appreciate if that was released.


I’m wondering, is there a reason not to release all of them? Jane Street code is already in a lot of packages, so 8 more packages wouldn’t probably make that much of a difference.

In any case, I appreciate modularizing code so it is easier to opt into just what is actually needed.

Well, some of them are things we’d like to discourage use of, like
Verisoned_typed_tcp, which we’ve come to think of as a mistake.