Merlin: Show signature in separate buffer

This may seem to be a simple question but how do I get merlin to show the inferred signature in a new buffer? The mini-buffer (at the bottom of emacs) is too small and sometimes the signature gets truncated…

(I generally use ocaml-lsp-server but I’m noticing that merlin with emacs sometimes works better in terms of code understanding. Yes, I do know that OCaml lsp server uses merlin in the backend)

You can open the buffer called *merlin-types*. When I do C-c C-t twice, it opens this buffer in a new pane.


I found this while looking for a solution on the web. I would like to know how to automatically display the type signatures of functions and variables without lsp. merlin can use the shortcut C-c C-t to get the type signature of a function or variable, but I want them to show up automatically.

Shameless plug GitHub - Khady/merlin-eldoc: Type and doc on hover for OCaml and Reason in emacs

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Yes, this is the solution!