I saw this trick from Your favorite Menhir tricks and fanciness , which is very impressive (cc @EmileTrotignon ):
%public %inline located(X):
x=X { Position.with_poss $startpos $endpos x }
I tried to make a demo to test how to use it, and there’re not so many examples outside the world, except this new syntax one cc @fpottier :
let located(x) ==
~ = x; { { loc = $loc; value = x } }
let atomic_expr :=
| LPAREN; ~ = expr; RPAREN; <>
| located(
| ~ = INT; <ELiteral>
| ~ = unary_op; ~ = atomic_expr; <EUnOp>
I was wondering is there any way to make the located
thing work in the old syntax?
Here’re my code:
type prim2 = Plus | Minus | Times
type 'a located = { loc : Lexing.position * Lexing.position; value : 'a }
type lexpr = raw_expr located
and raw_expr = Num of int64 | EPrim2 of prim2 * lexpr * lexpr
open Parser
let whitespace = [' ' '\t' '\n' '\r' ]
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let number = digit+
rule read =
| whitespace { read lexbuf }
| number as lxm { NUMBER (Int64.of_string lxm) }
| '(' { LPAREN }
| ')' { RPAREN }
| '+' { PLUS }
| eof { EOF }
open Syntax
%token <int64> NUMBER
%token LPAREN
%token RPAREN
%token PLUS
%token EOF
%start <lexpr> start
| e = expr EOF { e}
| n = NUMBER { Num n }
| LPAREN e=expr RPAREN {e}
| e1=expr PLUS e2=expr { EPrim2 (Plus, e1, e2)}
%inline located(X):
| x=X {{ loc = $loc; value = x }}
I mean, what’s the appropriate way to add located
in the expr
I did tried a lot of ways, like:
| n = NUMBER { Num n }
| LPAREN e=expr RPAREN {e}
| e1=located(expr) PLUS e2=located(expr) { EPrim2 (Plus, e1, e2)}
But got error
Error: This expression should not be a constructor, the expected type is Dune__exe.Syntax.lexpr