Mapping over Writer.t


I have a function that takes a Writer.t (can’t change that) and I would like to map somehow over the bytes. Turns out it is harder than I expected since I have to create a Pipe that points to the original Writer.t (stdout), then create a transfer function (in this case transfer_id but it doesn’t really matter, it also does not work with transfer or transfer') and then I can attempt to create a writer out of that Pipe and then use that where I would originally have the Writer.t.

Now the problem is that it has a ~30% chance of working, because sometimes the data does not make it though the pipe. I don’t understand why.

Here’s a sort-of minimal version of the code that has this behaviour:

let () =
  let open Command.Let_syntax in
      let () = return () in
      fun () ->
        let open Deferred.Let_syntax in
        let stdout = Writer.stdout |> force in

        let sp = Writer.pipe stdout in
        let w = Pipe.create_writer (fun reader ->
          Pipe.transfer_id reader sp)
        let i = Info.of_string "" in
        let%bind stdout, _ = Writer.of_pipe i w in

        Writer.write_line stdout "Hest";
        let%bind () = Writer.close stdout in
        return ()

I thought it might be due to some flushing so I tried adding flush to all kinds of locations but it never improved. I don’t seem to understand the Writer/Pipe interaction at all. Any ideas?

I think you need to wait for the deferred returned by the Writer.of_pipe:

open! Core
open! Async

let () =
  let open Command.Let_syntax in
      let () = return () in
      fun () ->
        let open Deferred.Let_syntax in
        let stdout = Writer.stdout |> force in

        let sp = Writer.pipe stdout in
        let w = Pipe.create_writer (fun reader ->
          Pipe.transfer_id reader sp)
        let i = Info.of_string "" in
        let%bind stdout, `Closed_and_flushed_downstream deferred = Writer.of_pipe i w in

        Writer.write_line stdout "Hest";
        let%bind () = Writer.close stdout in

I’m not 100% if this is the bug you’re experiencing, since I get about a 3% failure rate with your original code, but waiting for that deferred seems to make the bug disappear.

Yes, you’re right, this seems to be it, thanks! Serves me right for just discarding a deferred and then wondering about races.