Make a json string from an OCaml string

“Simple” but blocking problem with a json string I send over http.

EDIT: the issue comes from Yojson.Basic.to_string that delivers an OCaml string but with additional quotes.

let y = Yojson.Basic.to_string x   (* x is a valid Yojson.Basic.t  name/value, here just "foo"  *)
let z = "{ \"session_id\" : \"" ^ y ^ "\" }" 
      (* building json string manually *)

gives (in the browser network tab):

{ "session_id" : ""foo"" }
    let z = `Assoc [ ("session_id", `String y) ] in 
                                 Yojson.Basic.to_string z
                                            (* using Yojson *)



If I write:

"{ \"session_id\" : \" ^ y ^ \" }" )

then y is no more recognized as a string.

Where am I wrong?
(no problem with x-www-form-urlencoded)

I had a look at RWO where I read the same as my manually build json string

Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string person ;;
- : string = "{ \"name\": \"Anil\" }"

The question is

If I run in ocaml

let y = "foo"
let z = "{ \"session_id\" : \"" ^ y ^ "\" }"

let () = Printf.printf "%s" z

I get { "session_id" : "foo" } so it’s probably a problem later in your program.

I get the same as you:

# let y = "foo"
# let z = "{ \"session_id\" : \"" ^ y ^ "\" }"
val z : string = "{ \"session_id\" : \"foo\" }"
# let () = Printf.printf "%s" z
{ "session_id" : "foo" }

But if I insert Printf.printf "%s" in my program, I get a type error because it expects to send as string over http while Printf.print is of type unit:

Error: This expression has type string Lwt.t
       but an expression was expected of type unit Lwt.t
       Type string is not compatible with type unit 

When you manually build up the json string, what you have is an OCaml string which carries a json encoded string. Therefore, you need to parse it.

(* This is json, you need to parse it as such *)
let manually_created_json_string = "\"foo\""

let foo =
  match Yojson.Basic.from_string manually_created_json_string with
  | `String foo -> foo
  | #Yojson.json as e -> failwithf "Expected string but got: %s" (Yojson.to_string e)

But, it seems like a pretty roundabout way of making your json document. Instead if you already have a string that you want to represent as json, you could just do the following.

let y = "foo"
let z = `Assoc [ ("session_id", `String y) ]
let json = Yojson.Basic.to_string z

Here, json is an OCaml string that looks like "{\"session_id\": \"foo\"}"
and if you print it

print_endline json

it should print out {"session_id": "foo"}

As I send the json string over http, I need a string type.

# Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string person ;;
- : string = "{ \"name\": \"Anil\" }"
# Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel stdout person ;;
{ "name": "Anil" }- : unit = ()

Hum As I get exactly the string illustrated in RWO (see my EDIT), it should be something related to the content type of http request.

What is #Yojson.json ?
(maybe you can remove the trailing f in failwith’f’ ?)

I misunderstood the example from RWO.

Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string person;;
- : string = "{ \"name\": \"Anil\" }" 

Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel stdout person;;
{ "name": "Anil" }
- : unit = ()

I’m trying to serve a string to a http request.
An OCaml string should use \" to represent a JSON string.

So the question should be:
how do you extract a string from a Yojson.Basic.t object in a string expected by a function to send it as a response over http ? (as with Yojson.Basic.to_file which works well)

That’s not exactly this.
So you want to send this text, which is valid json: { "name": "Anil" }
A representation of this text with an ocaml string is

let s = "{ \"name\": \"Anil\" }" 

If you send the string s to a file, to a socket or to whatever, you will get exactly { "name": "Anil" }

Recently the yojson interface changed a little bit, so my apologies, the code examples I gave above assumed the older interface (and the example I’m including here does as well). You might need to change from_string to of_string and Yojson.Basic.json to Yojson.Basic.t. I’m not totally sure though since I haven’t yet upgraded to the latest version of Yojson (and Core… for that matter).

You asked about the #Yojson.json syntax, basically it just represents “the remaining polymorphic variants I haven’t handled”. You can read a little more about that here if you search on that page for | #color as color ->

Still, I’m not totally sure I’m understanding your question.

Here’s an example of calling out to httpbin and parsing out their echo response.


open Core
open Async

(* To construct JSON you can do something like the following *)
let person name = `Assoc [ "name", `String name ]
let richard = person "Richard"

(* To deconstruct JSON, you have to pattern match *)
let say_hello (json : Yojson.Basic.json) =
  match json with
  | `Assoc [ ("name", `String name) ] -> printf "Hello, %s\n" name
  | #Yojson.Basic.json as e ->
      "Expect json with shape {\"name\", ...}, but got %s"
      (Yojson.Basic.to_string e)

(* If you want to POST json in an HTTP body *)
let do_post uri (json : Yojson.Basic.json) =
  let body = Cohttp_async.Body.of_string (Yojson.Basic.to_string json) in ~body uri

let main () =
  let uri = Uri.of_string "" in
  do_post uri richard
  >>= fun (_response, body) ->
  Cohttp_async.Body.to_string body
  >>| fun body ->
  printf "HTTPBin Raw Response: %s\n" body;
  let echo_response =
    |> Yojson.Basic.from_string
    |> Yojson.Basic.Util.to_assoc
    |> (fun assoc -> List.Assoc.find_exn assoc "data" ~equal:String.equal)
    |> Yojson.Basic.Util.to_string
  printf "HTTPBin Echo Response: %s\n" echo_response;
  say_hello (Yojson.Basic.from_string echo_response)

let () = 
  Command.Param.return main
  |> Command.async ~summary:"asdf"

Filename: dune

 (name main)
 (libraries core async uri yojson cohttp cohttp-async))

Example output:

$ dune exec ./main.exe
HTTPBin Raw Response: {
  "args": {},
  "data": "{\"name\":\"Richard\"}",
  "files": {},
  "form": {},
  "headers": {
    "Content-Length": "18",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "ocaml-cohttp/2.0.0"
  "json": {
    "name": "Richard"
  "origin": ",",
  "url": ""

HTTPBin Echo Response: {"name":"Richard"}
Hello, Richard

Thanks all for your useful feedback.
I was aware that I had to produce a string with escaped quotes to feed the http program with, like the following:

let s = "{ \"name\": \"Anil\" }" 

That’s why I wrote:

let y = Yojson.Basic.to_string x   
        (* y has type Yojson.Basic.t 
           (and NOT x as mentioned in the question *)

let z = "{ \"session_id\" : \"" ^ y ^ "\" }" 
      (* building json string manually *)

which gives (as seen in the browser network tab):

{ "session_id" : ""foo"" }

Using Yojson to build a Yojson.Basic.t type gives the same output:

let y = Yojson.Basic.from_string x

let z = `Assoc [ ("session_id", `String y) ] in 
                           Yojson.Basic.to_string z
                           (* using Yojson *)

But in fact, x was not the string "foo" I thought it was, but a string already processed with Yojson (I did not mentioned that in my question): "\"foo\"" hence the issue of getting additional quotes.

# let y = "foo"
# let s = "{ \"id\" : \"" ^ y ^ "\" }" 
# print_endline s
{ "id" : "foo" }  (* OK *)
- : unit = ()

# let y = "\"foo\"" 
(* in fact, this is the string outputed by Yojson.Basic.to_string *)
# let s = "{ \"id\" : \"" ^ y ^ "\" }";
# print_endline s
{ "id" : ""foo"" } (* NOT OK *)
- : unit = ()

So, if y is "foo" and not "\"foo\"", I can build manually a valid JSON string like that:

"{ \"session_id\" : \"" ^ y ^ "\" }"

A better solution is to build an object of type Yojson.Basic.t then to output it with valid escaped quotes.

# let y = `String "foo" (* this is what I extracted with Yojson functions *)
val y : [> `String of string ] = `String "foo"

# let s = `Assoc [ ("id", y) ]
val s : [> `Assoc of (string * [> `String of string ]) list ] =
  `Assoc [("id", `String "foo")]

# Yojson.Basic.to_string s
- : string = "{\"id\":\"foo\"}" (* OK *)

It’s useful to remember that Yojson.from_string needs a string with espaced quotes:

let y = Yojson.Basic.from_string "foo"
Exception: Yojson.Json_error "Line 1, bytes 0-3:\nInvalid token 'foo'".

let y = Yojson.Basic.from_string "\"foo\"" 
val y : Yojson.Basic.t = `String "foo"

I should have started with that.
The issue is closed.

1 Like

With OCaml 4.07.1, Core v0.12.4 and Yojson 1.7.0, the example could be interpreted/compile with:


With Yojson.Basic.json , I just got a warning:

Warning 3: deprecated: Yojson.Basic.json
json types are being renamed and will be removed in the next Yojson major version. Use type t instead

Thanks again for your detailed example.

BTW, have you ever heard about a possibly old Yojson syntax that should look like:

type foo =  { err_msg : string }
let f x = Yojson.to_string<foo> { x }

Or maybe that writing <foo> is an Ocaml feature to say that the argument is of type foo, but I’ve never used it and I didn’t find it in refman.

Assuming standard OCaml syntax, this means:

let f x =
  (Yojson.to_string < foo) > { x }

which is ill-typed unless you redefine the < and > operators to something strange.

I wrote let f x = Yojson.to_string<foo> { x }
( with type foo = { err_msg : string } )

I don’t understand why you wrote an expression that is not well-formed (right paren inside < > ).
let f x = (Yojson.to_string < foo) > { x }

Searching an explanation to my side question, I found that:
1/ { err_msg : string } is simply an OCaml record to encapsulate an error message
2/ <foo> was used by camlp4 before ppx landed (the “new camlp4, 2007 now deprecated” - different from the “genuine camlp4, renamed camlp5”, still maintained).

BTW, thank you for your nice camlp5 tutorial How to customize the syntax of OCaml, using Camlp5 - Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask

Did you try copy-pasting it into utop? You’ll get an error that is not a syntax error, meaning its syntax is correct. < and > are the standard comparison operators.

Drifting to a discussion about comparison operators is interesting but seems to be out of the scope of the question. Or maybe I don’t understand what you mean and how it can bring an answer to the question about the meaning of <x> in the expression let f x = Yojson.to_string<foo> { x } ?

There is no syntax like Yojson.to_string<foo> in OCaml.

@mjambon is saying that what you’ve typed is by coincidence syntactically valid, because the < and > can be interpreted as comparison operators. The code fragment

let f x = (Yojson.to_string < foo) > { x }

is just the same as your original fragment, except with some extra parentheses to make it more clear how OCaml parses this.

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I understand what Martin said. But it didn’t answer my side question about the “possibly old yojson preprocessing syntax”.

The expression I gave is supposed to be parsed first by camlp4, not by OCaml. Now, ppx_yojson_deriving brings a slightly different syntax.
Here is the whole example code:

(* syntax with (supposed) camlp4 preprocessing *)
type err_msg = { err : string; } deriving (Yojson)

let json err = Yojson.to_string<err_msg> { err } 

(* syntax with ppx_yojson_deriving preprocessing *)
type err_msg = { err : string; } [@@deriving yojson]
val err_msg_to_yojson : err_msg -> Yojson.Safe.t = <fun>
val err_msg_of_yojson :
  Yojson.Safe.t -> err_msg Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or = <fun>
val _ : Yojson.Safe.t -> err_msg Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or = <fun>

let json err = Yojson.Safe.to_string (err_msg_to_yojson {err} )
val json : string -> string = <fun>

(* example *)
json "abc";;
- : string = "{\"err\":\"abc\"}" (* ready to be sent over http *) 

I still haven’t found documentation about the “old syntax”. I just expected from Martin that he could help me in my archaeological work related to his library yojson.
Anyway ppx_yojson_deriving does the job, and there is even ppx_yojson_conv.

Here’s a simplified timeline of the json-related events I was part of (from memory):

  • 2007: I implement a json parser and printing library called json-wheel similar to the future yojson. There was another json library at the time but it was reading objects into a hashtbl, therefore losing the ordering of the fields.
  • Later in 2007: I implement json-static, a camlp4 “syntax extension” which reads OCaml type definitions and translates them to code that converts between these types and the json-wheel AST.
  • Not long after came the “new camlp4”: I translate json-static to the new camlp4 because it is incompatible with the legacy camlp4.
  • A bunch of people are unhappy with the situation since old camlp4 extensions need to be ported and the new camlp4 has bugs, has no documentation, and is slower.
  • At some point the old camlp4 gets resurrected by its author and becomes camlp5.
  • 2010: I start the implementation of a camlp4-free and faster equivalent of json-static, called atdgen. The yojson library is released separately as the runtime for atdgen, and is widely equivalent to json-wheel. Unlike json-wheel, yojson allows atdgen to directly call parsing functions, skipping the intermediate representation as an AST, resulting in better performance.

Later came the ppx system, which I haven’t touched. Yojson and atd are now maintained by other people, for which I am immensely grateful.

Based on this timelime, you can see that having yojson combined with a camlp4 extension is a bit anachronistic. The code sample you have here uses the camlp4 syntax extension called “deriving”. It’s like json-static but supports multiple back-ends. As you mention, you can use its ppx equivalent or atd if you want something similar without camlp4 preprocessing.