Lwt Unix socket client/server giving error : Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "connect", "")

I have created a simple echo client server executable using Lwt. I am using UNIX socket as a communication mechanism between the client and the server. However, I seem to be getting the Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "connect", "") error. Not sure what I am missing here.

open Lwt.Infix

let socket_filename = "/tmp/client_server.sock"

let (server_is_ready, notify_server_is_ready) = Lwt.wait ()

let create_client () =
  let socket_info =
    let socket = Lwt_unix.socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in
    let addr = Lwt_unix.(ADDR_UNIX socket_filename) in
    Lwt_unix.connect socket addr >>= fun _ ->
    let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Input socket in
    let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Output socket in
    Lwt.return (ic, oc)
  let rec send_msg (ic, oc) =
      printf "Enter input: " >>= fun _ ->
      read_line stdin >>= fun line ->
      write_line oc line >>= fun _ ->
      read_line ic >>= fun line -> printlf "Server sent: %s\n" line)
    >>= fun _ -> send_msg (ic, oc)
  server_is_ready >>= fun _ ->
  Lwt_io.printlf "Connecting to server on socket : %s" socket_filename
  >>= fun _ -> socket_info >>= send_msg

let create_server () =
  let echo_handler _ (ic, oc) =
    let rec echo () =
      match%lwt Lwt_io.read_line_opt ic with
      | Some s ->
            printlf "Client sent: %s" s >>= fun _ ->
            write_line oc s >>= fun _ -> echo ())
      | None ->
    Lwt_io.printl "Client connected!" >>= fun _ -> echo ()
  if Sys.file_exists socket_filename then Sys.remove socket_filename ;
  let listen_addr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX socket_filename in
  let%lwt _server =
    Lwt_io.establish_server_with_client_address listen_addr echo_handler
  Lwt_io.printf "Listening for client connection on UNIX socket : %s\n"
  >>= fun _ ->
  Lwt.wakeup_later notify_server_is_ready () ;

let server = create_server ()

let client = create_client ()

let () = Lwt_main.run (Lwt.join [ server; client ])

The same program with ADDR_INET socket type seems to function correctly.

Nothing wrong with the code, but client and server are getting started concurrently, and the server needs a few milliseconds before being able to serve requests. Slowing down the client bootstrap can fix the issue.

let client =
  let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.1 in
  create_client ()

Indeed, it seems my client was trying to connect to server before the server was ready to listen to client connections. In my case the fix was to turn socket_info into a function, socket_info() and that seems to do it. Thanks for your help.