LGPL licenses handling in OCaml

Thanks for your input. I agree, and had similar thoughts when comparing LGPL 2 and LGPL 3. And I would also very much like to hear whether LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception would be an adequate alternative, since I think it’s better to use a (presumably) better known exception. I may switch to that one, as well.

Barring the issue of subtleties regarding references to clause 4 and 6, one difference is that the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception only makes exceptions from subclauses 4d and 4e. The other three subclauses are only about conveying information about the licensing terms of the Library, so it seems to have little bearing on what final derived products can or cannot be published. The other difference is the allowance to omit the exception itself in a derived work, but this is already granted by GPL 3.0.