I would like to use “simple” precedence rules to write a parser in Menhir for a grammar where juxtaposition is right-associative function application (like OCaml syntax, so e.g. f g x should be parsed Apply (Apply (Var "f", Var "g"), Var "x")). One might naïvely expect the following to work:
%token <string> VAR
%token EOF
%right APP
%start <Ast.t> main
main : e = expr EOF { e }
| e1=expr e2=expr %prec APP
{ Ast.Apply (e1,e2) }
| x=VAR
{ Ast.Var x }
but alas
$ menhir lib/parser.mly
File "lib/parser.mly", line 4, characters 0-6:
Warning: the precedence level assigned to APP is never useful.
File "lib/parser.mly", line 12, characters 26-29:
Warning: this %prec declaration is never useful.
Warning: one state has shift/reduce conflicts.
Warning: one shift/reduce conflict was arbitrarily resolved.
I know how to get this to work the hard way, using explicit “levels” of expressions, like this:
%token <string> VAR
%token EOF
%start <Ast.t> main
main : e = expr EOF { e }
| e1=expr e2=expr1
{ Ast.Apply (e1,e2) }
| e=expr1
{ e }
| x=VAR
{ Ast.Var x }
{ e }
So, is there a way to get the same result but using precedence annotations?
This is left-associative. It would be right-asociative if the output was Apply (Var "f", Apply (Var "g", Var "x")).
Shift/reduce conflicts occur when encountering a token. In your case, the parser stack already contains two expressions and the next token is VAR, so the parser has to take a decision. Does it ignore the token and reduce the stack using expr expr -> expr? Or does it shift the token (and later reduce it using VAR -> expr)? To decide how to solve this conflict, Menhir compares the precedence of VAR with the precedence of the rule expr expr -> expr.
If you only use %prec APP, then you are not telling Menhir anything, because APP and VAR have uncomparable precedences. If you change %right APP into
%nonassoc VAR
%right APP
then APP gets a higher precedence than VAR, which makes your grammar left-associative. In other words, whether you write %left or %right or %nonassoc here is actually meaningless. The grammar will always be left-associative. And conversely, if you swap the two lines, the grammar will always be right-associative, irrespective of the associativity you specify.
So, if you want the associativity to be taken into account, you need the precedence of the rule expr expr -> expr to be exactly the same as VAR:
%right VAR (* or %left VAR, depending on what you want *)
| e1=expr e2=expr %prec VAR
| x=VAR