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Is is posible to iterate over record’s attributes?
type rec = { a: int,
b: string}
let r = { a = 10;
b = "hello"}
Record.iter r ~f: ...
It looks like I should create a variant type for each record type to use it in the signature of ~f:
function, but I hope there is an easier way to do this.
UPD: Hm, it looks like I asked a bad question. The correct question is: how can I define record types at runtime. And it looks like there is no such ability in OCaml or am I wrong?
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Easier as in less boilerplate code? There are two solutions that come to mind:
- use polymorphic variants to avoid having to define a new type
- generate an iter function automatically using ppx
For option 2, there may be a ppx rewriter that can do this already out there. Check out Jane streets GitHub repo.
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I know about that library but it doesn’t fit my requirements cause I need attributes-related data at runtime.
Hm, it looks like I asked a bad question. The correct question is: how can I define record types at runtime. And it looks like there is no such ability in OCaml or am I wrong?
Think you might be looking for Hashtbl? What are your other requirements w.r.t. the type?
I suspect ppx_fields_conv, and functions like Fields.make_creator will do what you need. Take a closer look at the library. You can do a lot of run-time generation of representations of record types using it.
You are right, the type system doesn’t let you define record types after type checking. You’ll want row polymorphism for that, though the only language I know of that implements them right now is Ur/Web.
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Yep, Hashtbl looks like the solution for some of my purposes.