Is there any minimal example to pretty print comments?

Hi folks, I’m currently reading Shayne Fletcher’s mini-ml, it’s pretty neat.

I’m figuring it out how to pretty print mini-ml with comments.(As the Comments section mentioned in prettier)

I did try to read the the related code from ReScript’s repo, but it may not be that easy for beginner. For example, there’re 1891 loc of the, and 5661 loc of the

Mini-ml has collected comments into a list:

let comments () : (string * Ml_location.t) list = List.rev !comment_list

But it sounds a lot like the comments won’t be used anywhere. The idea behind pretty printer is cool, see fpottier’s awesome demo

I was wondering is there any minimal example could help me understand how to pretty print comments within this mini-ml language?

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OCamlformat has the exact same problem and it is solved this way:

  • Gather comments, easy.
  • Gather every locations appearing on the AST (without remembering to what they belong).
    This is possible in OCaml thanks to Ast_mapper), which iterates on the AST and allows us to define a function to be called on a specific node. By chance, it iterates over locations too.
  • Each comment is associated to a location found in the AST in a Hashtbl.
    No two locations match so it must “attach” a comment to the location that makes the most sense. This could be the closest but it also take into account tokens found in the source code to make a decision.
    This uses a Non_overlapping_interval_tree and a lot of heuristics.
  • To make things harder, there’s 3 of these hashtbls: Comments attached “before”, “after” or “within” a given location.
    This allows to place comments near parentheses, begin/end, in, etc… more precisely.
  • While iterating the AST again for printing, every time we encounter a location, we query the comment associated with it.

After all this, it’s common to find misplaced comments. It’s definitely a challenge.

I hope you don’t need the precise placement of comments that ocamlformat has and can implement a much simpler solution.