My understanding is that what people mean when they say that Java has reference semantics is that when you declare a variable of object type, the variable is implicitly a reference/pointer, and there is no way to “dereference” it, as you could do in C via the * operator.
More generally, from the point of view of runtime semantics, you could wonder about the meaning of the assignment operation a = b. In C, depending on the type of the variable, this may mean that a and b now refer to the same object (if the variables are of pointer type), or, if the variables are of structure type, it means that a is a copy of b, different from b (in the sense of !=). In Java, since all variables of object type are implicitly pointers, it always means that a and b now point to the same object.
Note that the semantics of OCaml (and other languages of its family) are closer to Java than to C: allocated objects are implicitly pointers and there is no way to “dereference” them (note that this has nothing to do with ref). Copies of allocated objects need to be made explicitly (as in Java), and are never made implicitly (as in C). As the difference between a reference to an object and a copy of said object is only crucial when you are dealing with mutable data structures, this discussion comes up less often in OCaml which deals mostly with immutable data structures, but it does still come up when dealing with mutable ones, such as ref and array.
In OCaml, I think we have this distinction via ref type. An int or person is a value, while int ref or person ref is a reference (which is still a value). Where person is a product type:
type person = {
name: string;
age: int;
(* alice is a value *)
let alice = {name = "Alice"; age = 10}
If I had to guess what reference semantics versus value semantics mean, I’d say that for product types, if the natural way to pass a value to a function is to copy the contents then you’re in a value semantics context, whereas if the natural way to pass it is to pass the address then you’re in a reference semantics context.
So if I write something like:
type product = {
mutable x : int;
mutable y : int;
let f p = p.x <- 1
let () = let p = { x = 0; y = 0 } in f p; print_int p.x
In OCaml, this prints 1, so we’re using reference semantics. In C, if you pass an object of type struct ..., it is copied and the equivalent code will print 0. If you change the type to be a struct ... *, then you’re passing the parameter by reference (i.e. you’re passing a value that is a pointer, which is often called a reference), and there’s no copy involved so you get 1 printed.
AFAIK, ref isn’t really part of the OCaml language, just the stdlib. It’s defined as type 'a ref = { mutable contents : 'a }. You can easily redefine it yourself.
type 'a my_ref = { mutable my_contents: 'a }
let ref x = { my_contents: x }
let ( ! ) r = r.my_contents
let ( := ) r x = r.my_contents <- x
Any mutable field can be used as a “ref” basically. The stdlib just defines the ref type for us because it’s almost always useful.
There’s a difference, both in OCaml and C, between a mutable field and a pointer (in C, if no const is involved all fields are mutable).
In OCaml:
module type Check_intf = sig
type t
val zero : t
val get : t -> int
val copy : t -> t
val update : t -> int -> unit
module Mut = struct
type t = {
mutable x : int;
let zero = { x = 0 }
let get t = t.x
let copy src = { x = src.x }
let update t new_x = t.x <- new_x
module Ref = struct
type t = {
x : int ref;
let zero = { x = ref 0 }
let get t = !(t.x)
let copy src = { x = src.x }
let update t new_x = t.x := new_x
let check msg (module M : Check_intf) =
let a = in
let b = M.copy a in
M.update a 42;
Format.printf "%s: %d@." msg (M.get b)
let () =
check "Ref" (module Ref);
check "Mut" (module Mut);
This will print the following output:
Ref: 42
Mut: 0
This is because ref cells introduce an extra indirection, so the copies still contain the same reference (in C terms, they’re int * fields) but with the mutable fields, there is no indirection, so the copies don’t share the same location and updating one doesn’t update the other. So they behave like int fields in a C struct.
type person = {
mutable age: int;
let print_person (p: person) =
print_int p.age
let update_person (p: person) =
p.age <- 1000
let alice = {age = 10}
let () =
update_person alice;
print_person alice
This example (together with yours) shows that OCaml does have “reference semantics”.
In a world of reference semantics (RS), there are two kinds of entities — names and values. Whereas in a world of value semantics (VS), there is only one kind of entities — values.
assignment/definition a = b
RS interpretation: namea is bound to the value that nameb is currently bound to
VS interpretation: valuea is assigned to be a copy of valueb
function call foo(p)
RS interpretation: foo works with the value that namep is bound to
VS interpretation: foo works with a copy of valuep