Integration with emacs org mode?

Has anyone successfully used Ocaml in org mode ? I am able to evaluate simple code in source code blocks, but unable to use modules.

When I evaluate source code block given below :

#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
  open Some_Module

I get :
Error: Unbound module Some_Module

Above code evaluates with no error in normal source code file in spacemacs.

Has anyone successfully used Ocaml in org mode ? I am able to evaluate simple code in source code blocks, but unable to use modules.

When I evaluate source code block given below :

#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
  open Some_Module

I get :
Error: Unbound module Some_Module

Above code evaluates with no error in normal source code file in spacemacs.

It works fine here.

#+begin_src ocaml
open List
let res = map (fun x → x+1) [1;2]


2 | 3 |

Where is Some_Module defined?



Sorry I did not test any other module and open List does indeed work. Bad assumption.

I wanted to open Owl module, which does not work.

#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
  open Owl

You probably need to #load the library first.



Thanks brab. I used #require which became available only after #use “topfind” .
So far code blocks below works.

#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
  #use "topfind" ;;
  #require "owl";;
  open Owl


#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :results output
  let m = Mat.uniform 2 2 in
  Mat.(print m)
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Does all of this imply that Org mode uses the top level to interpret OCaml code and does not run the compiler?

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