There are nice higher-kinded functional abstractions (functors, applicatives, monads) that characterize the structure of one-parameter type functions, that naturally map in OCaml to one-parameter parametrized types.
(* abstraction *)
module type Functor = sig
type 'a t
val fmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
(* instance for lists *)
module FunctorList : Functor with type 'a t = 'a list =
Unfortunately, there is an impedance mismatch when we want to define instances for types that have more than one parameter. How should we say, for example, that ('a, 'b) result
is a functor in its first parameter, or in both its parameters?
I must say that this a design question where I’m not personally satisfied with the solutions that OCaml offers currently. I have played with various approaches to this problem and (even independently from the relative verbosity of the functor syntax) they all feel cumbersome when used at scale. (Notably I worked on it with @c-cube years ago in the context of a stalled PR for the Batteries library, batteries#501). My personal (non)solution is to reduce the use of those generic abstractions to a minimum in my code (I use monadic/applicative operators but, generally, few operations abstracted on any monad/applicative): if it hurts, don’t do that. But this is inconvenient in some problem domains which use them heavily.
(I think that the “modular implicit” work could improve things quite a bit, in a distant future when it makes progress.)
In a discussion with @xvw I proposed the following approaches. Instead of defining, say, an “functor with an extra parameter”, I stick to manipulating one-parameter abstractions, and use currification (at the functor level) to abstract over the other parameters.
module FunctorInstancesAsModules : sig end = struct
(* generic stuff *)
module type Functor = sig
type 'a t
val fmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
module FunctorList = struct
type 'a t = 'a list
let fmap =
module FunctorPair (F : Functor) (G : Functor) = struct
type 'a t = 'a F.t * 'a G.t
let fmap f (u, v) = (F.fmap f u, G.fmap f v)
(* For parametrized types, we use functors for currification *)
module type Ty = sig
type t
let result_fmap2 ok err = function
| Ok v -> Ok (ok v)
| Error v -> Error (err v)
module FunctorResult1 (X : Ty) = struct
type 'a t = ('a, X.t) result
let fmap f = result_fmap2 f
module FunctorResult2 (X : Ty) = struct
type 'a t = (X.t, 'a) result
let fmap g = result_fmap2 g
(* Example use-case *)
type 'a foo = 'a list * ('a, exn) result
let weird_map (type a b) : (a -> b) -> a foo -> b foo =
let module F = FunctorPair(FunctorList)(FunctorResult1(struct type t = exn end)) in
module FunctorCombinators : sig end = struct
(* generic stuff *)
module type Functor = sig
type 'a t
val fmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
module FId = struct
type 'a t = 'a
let fmap f x = f x
module type Ty = sig
type t
module FConst (X : Ty) = struct
type _ t = X.t
let fmap _f x = x
module FList (F : Functor) = struct
type 'a t = 'a F.t list
let fmap f = (F.fmap f)
module FPair (F : Functor) (G : Functor) = struct
type 'a t = 'a F.t * 'a G.t
let fmap f (u, v) = (F.fmap f u, G.fmap f v)
(* result is a (covariant) functor in both its argument *)
module FResult (F : Functor) (G : Functor) = struct
type 'a t = ('a F.t, 'a G.t) result
let fmap f = function
| Ok v -> Ok (F.fmap f v)
| Error v -> Error (G.fmap f v)
(* example use-case *)
type 'a foo = 'a list * ('a, exn) result
let weird_map (type a b) : (a -> b) -> a foo -> b foo =
let module F =
(FResult(FId)(FConst(struct type t = exn end)))
I’m opening this topic so that people can suggest better solutions if they have some, or maybe point to their monad/applicative-generic library / code organization.
Note: Haskell has curried type parameters, which somewhat improve on this situation, but it is far from a complete solution for this problem. For the example of ('a, 'b) result
, that is Result a b
, it is easy to talk about Result a
, and so define a Functor instance on it, but talking about (\a -> Result a b)
(which is the one you want in practice) is still very cumbersome.
And then there are generic-programming approaches where, instead of one-parametrized functors, one works with bifunctors or dinatural transformations. I’m skeptical that we can get a usable, accessible encoding of these ideas in library form today. (They require exporting a rich “parameter space” at the type level, which is too advanced for my taste of using simple abstractions. Unless one is working in a fully-dependent language where they are easier than in OCaml/Haskell and where everything else is more difficult, so it evens out.)