I cannot use websocket

i installed it but it says :slight_smile:

Cannot find file websocket.

What did you install ? What are you trying to achieve ? What’s is the code you’re trying to run ? How are you running your code ?


i created a project by using :slight_smile:
dune init project myproject

now i am stuck in :
the installtion of the websocket library

There are plenty of websocket related libraries in OCaml. Which one are you trying to install ? What did you try ?

You should do something like: opam install websocket.

i did

opam install websocket.2.15

OK, so what error are you getting, what are you precisely trying to do that is not working ?

Unknown directive `require'.

How are you getting this error ? What is the code you’re running ?

i am doing

#require websocket

the code i am running is this

let name = match "hello" with 
	| "hello world" -> Printf.printf "true : hello world"
	| _ -> Printf.printf "false : not found"

Where do you write this code ? In a .ml file ? How are you compiling ?

yes in .ml file and i am using ocaml to compile

Which exact command are you using to compile ?

ocamlc codes.ml


#require can be used only in the toplevel/REPL, that is when using the ocaml or utop command and then entering some expressions.

When compiling a file, you should do something like:

ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package websocket codes.ml

Or learn how to use a proper build system such as dune.

#use "topfind";;
#require "websocket";;

let name = match "hello" with 
	| "hello world" -> Printf.printf "true : hello world"
	| _ -> Printf.printf "false : not found"

it is still not working and this is what i get

Cannot load required shared library dllbigstringaf_stubs.
Reason: dllbigstringaf_stubs.dll: The specified module could not be found.



(* do not put any #require or #use here ! *)

let () =
  print_endline Websocket.websocket_uuid

Then compiling and running the code with:

$ ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package websocket codes.ml
$ ./a.out

What are you getting when doing exactly this ?

#use "topfind";;
#require "websocket";;

let () =
  print_endline Websocket.websocket_uuid
let name = match "hello" with 
	| "hello world" -> Printf.printf "true : hello world"
	| _ -> Printf.printf "false : not found"

Cannot load required shared library dllbigstringaf_stubs.
Reason: dllbigstringaf_stubs.dll: The specified module could not be found.


Please, read what I wrote…

(* do not put any #require or #use here ! *)

that is a comment is not it ?