How to get an .ocamlinit file per [ switch | project ]?

How do you manage your ~/.ocamlinit file with several switches?

In other words, in the context of a growing number of opam switches with very different sets of libraries within a same machine, how can we get something like an .ocamlinit file related to one switch?

Of course, one solution is to create a dedicated toplevel with all libraries with ocamlmktop or to use dune utop


See and related

Is there something simpler?


Happy New Year to all OCamlers!

In fact, this simple and stdlib-based solution works:

#use "/home/test/dev/stuff/stuff.ocamlinit"

File is named stuff.ocamlinit instead of .ocamlinit to keep clear (and avoid a possible confusion with ~/.ocamlinit).
Is there any convention?

And its functional equivalent:

Topdirs.dir_use Format.std_formatter
( Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ())  ".ocamlinit" )

…assuming we launch the Toplevel from the stuff/ directory where we have the stuff.ocamlinit file (with a test on Sys.getcwd () and a Sys.chdir if needed).

BTW, it may be useful to use ~/.ocamlinit as well, assuming it has only some common setup and no specific OCaml directives:

 #use "/home/test/.ocamlinit"

I’ve found a ~/.ocamlinit file content which adjusts ocaml dynamically to the current opam switch loaded. For this, opam install opam-client is needed first (if not already installed).
Source (by “AltGr”) can be found here:
Then utop, while switch 4.09.1 ocaml-base-compiler.4.09.1 is active:

Welcome to utop version 2.4.3 (using OCaml version 4.09.1)
Findlib has been successfully loaded. Additional directives:
#require “package”;; to load a package
list;; to list the available packages
#camlp4o;; to load camlp4 (standard syntax)
#camlp4r;; to load camlp4 (revised syntax)
#predicates “p,q,…”;; to set these predicates
Topfind.reset();; to force that packages will be reloaded
#thread;; to enable threads

Opam global state for /home/hape/.opam loaded in ‘gt’
Opam repository state loaded in ‘rt’
Opam switch state of ‘4.09.1’ loaded in ‘st’