I have a C function that return enums values. Previously I did the following bindings:
type flags =
| Is_method
| Is_constructor
| Is_getter
| Is_setter
| Wraps_vfunc
| Throws
let get_flags info =
let get_flags_raw =
foreign "g_function_info_get_flags"
(ptr functioninfo @-> returning uint32_t)
let v = get_flags_raw info in
let open Unsigned.UInt32 in
let all_flags = [( 1, Is_method ); ( 2, Is_constructor ); ( 4 , Is_getter ); ( 8 , Is_setter ); ( 16 , Wraps_vfunc ); (32, Throws)]
let rec build_flags_list allf acc =
match allf with
| [] -> acc
| (i, f) :: q -> if ((logand v (of_int i )) <> zero) then build_flags_list q (f :: acc)
else build_flags_list q acc
in build_flags_list all_flags []
Now I try to use the Cstubs bindings to generate the bindings for C enums, and I can create the enums bindings called Bindings.flags for example but I don’t know what type an OCaml function should return when the C function return a bitwise ored value.
Any ideas?