How to cite OCaml?

Is there an officially sanctioned way to cite OCaml in a research paper (such as for Coq)?

If not, how do you usually cite OCaml?


You can cite the OCaml manual over at E.g. “The OCaml system release 4.10”, Xavier Leroy, Damien Doligez, Alain Frisch, Jacques Garrigue, Didier Rémy and Jérôme Vouillon, Feb 2020.

I’ve noticed other papers citing Real World OCaml occasionally as well, usually when they are referencing a specific chapter regarding something (e.g. the runtime garbage collector or memory layout). That has an ISBN (9781449323912) which you can cite in the usual way for a published book.

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Thank you for the suggestion. It might be a good thing to add to a FAQ somewhere.

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