I’m fought for a while with a piece of code that would not typecheck, and I’m curious if there’s an obvious way to get it to typecheck.
Take this code:
type tree =
| Leaf of int
| Node of (int * tree * tree)
let rec f (g : int -> 'a) tree : 'a =
match tree with
| Leaf i -> g i
| Node (i, l, r) -> if i >= 0 then f g l else f g r
let x = f (fun i -> "s") (Leaf 0)
let y = f (fun i -> i) (Leaf 0)
Running this in the playground gives us, as expected,
type tree = Leaf of int | Node of (int * tree * tree)
val f : (int -> 'a) -> tree -> 'a = <fun>
val x : string = "s"
val y : int = 0
However, let’s say that I want f
to call itself with a different g
than the one passed as argument temporarily. For example:
type tree =
| Leaf of int
| Node of (int * tree * tree)
let rec f (g : int -> 'a) tree : 'a =
match tree with
| Leaf i -> g i
| Node (i, l, r) ->
if (i == 0) then
let g' i = Leaf i in
let ret = f g' (Node (12, Leaf(42), Leaf (24))) in
f g ret
if i >= 0 then f g l else f g r
let x = f (fun i -> "s") (Leaf 0)
let y = f (fun i -> i) (Leaf 0)
Suddenly, this does not type-check anymore, since it infers the following, which is quite inconvenient:
val f : (int -> tree) -> tree -> tree = <fun>
Suddenly, the g
argument must return a tree
. Is there a way to get this function to keep inferring that g : int -> 'a
In my current code (which is much more complex, but let’s simplify here), my g
function is of type
int -> ('a, int)
and I only need the int in my internal recursive call, so I create a function g that returns ((), the_thing_I_need)
, and then discard the unit, and it fails to typecheck.
I did manage to get it to work by doing let g i = (Obj.magic (), the_thing_I_need)
but it’s not pretty and I’m not even 100% sure it’s safe.