I’m trying to call a shared library using ctypes Dl
module and I found the function result of Ctypes.coerce
introduces 150-160ns call overhead. For reference doing the same using C stub is 8ns in the same benchmark.
let dl_bench =
let handle =
~flags:[ RTLD_LAZY ]
let sym = Dl.dlsym ~handle ~symbol:"plus_one" in
let typ = Foreign.funptr Ctypes.(int @-> returning int) in
let dlpo = Ctypes.(coerce (ptr void) typ (ptr_of_raw_address sym)) in
assert (dlpo 4 = 5);
Bench.Test.create ~name:"dlsym" (fun _ -> dlpo 4 |> ignore)
I’m having hard time understanding what Ctypes.coerce
actually does and how I could improve the performance.
Is there any way I could call a function loaded using Dl.dlsym
with lower overhead?
Note: I assume the overhead is not from Dl.dlsym
but from coerce
Edit: Nearly the same overhead applies when using ctypes foreign
Edit: On the other hand - it might be Foreign.funptr
that causes the overhead.
Edit: I think indeed I now understand, the generic FFI C stub might be the cause of the overhead. I think I’ll opt for a less generic one since I don’t need it. I’m gonna leave this thread hanging since someone might stumble on the same issue.