I was playing with flambda and inlining for some work in algebra. I implemented a signature for Field and a few modules like vectors and matrices which I instanciate after with mlgmp, zarith rational and float. Unfortunately, flambda does not yet reaches the performance of the defunctorised code β¦ But in fact, it is just because the optimisation related to the type float are not propagated. I really do not want to duplicate my code just for the sake of optimisation.
The code atached below shows that just by giving the type annotation βfloatβ solves the problem so I use a dune rule like this:
(target FVector.ml)
(deps Vector.ml)
(action (with-stdout-to %{target}
(run sed "s/Make(R:S)/Make(R:S with type t = float)/" %{deps}))))
And use FVector
instead of Vector
when using Float
I attach a demonstrating example (with manual annotation) below which gives the following timings when compiled with ocamlopt -O 3
module without type annotation versus float code
: tf = 4.78, tg = 1.83, factor = 2.61x, gain = 61.67%
module with type annotation versus float code
: tf = 1.83, tg = 1.71, factor = 1.07x, gain = 6.91%
This shows that the functorized code without type information is around 2.5 slower than the specialized code,
but just the tpe annotation completely solves the problem.
Here is the file:
module type Ring =
type t
val zero : t
val one : t
val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
val ( - ) : t -> t -> t
val ( ~-) : t -> t
val ( * ) : t -> t -> t
val ( / ) : t -> t -> t
val of_int : int -> t
module type Module =
module F : Ring
type f = F.t
type t
val dim : int
val zero : t
val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
val ( - ) : t -> t -> t
val ( * ) : f -> t -> t
val dot : t -> t -> f
module ArrayModule (F : Ring) (D: sig val dim:int end) =
module F = F
type f = F.t
type t = f array
let dim = D.dim
let zero = Array.make dim F.zero
let ( + ) = Array.map2 F.(+)
let ( - ) = Array.map2 F.(-)
let [@inlined] ( * ) = fun x -> Array.map (F.( * ) x)
let [@inlined] dot v1 v2 =
let open F in
let r = ref F.zero in
Array.iteri (fun i x -> r := x * v2.(i) + !r) v1;
module FArrayModule (F : Ring with type t = float) (D: sig val dim:int end) =
module F = F
type f = F.t
type t = f array
let dim = D.dim
let zero = Array.make dim F.zero
let ( + ) = Array.map2 F.(+)
let ( - ) = Array.map2 F.(-)
let [@inlined] ( * ) = fun x -> Array.map (F.( * ) x)
let [@inlined] dot v1 v2 =
let open F in
let r = ref F.zero in
Array.iteri (fun i x -> r := x * v2.(i) + !r) v1;
module Float =
type t = float
let zero = 0.
let one = 1.
let ( + ) = ( +. ) [@@inlined]
let ( - ) = ( -. ) [@@inlined]
let ( ~-) = ( ~-.) [@@inlined]
let ( * ) = ( *. ) [@@inlined]
let ( / ) = ( /. ) [@@inlined]
let of_int = float_of_int
module Dim = struct let dim = 10_000_000 end
module VFloat = ArrayModule(Float)[@inlined](Dim)
module FVFloat = FArrayModule(Float)[@inlined](Dim)
(* Timing *)
let chrono f x =
Gc.compact ();
let t1 = Sys.time () in
let r = f x in
let t2 = Sys.time () in
(t2 -. t1, r)
let chronos msg f g x =
Gc.full_major (); (* GC to avoid paying for the allocation of the other *)
let tf, lf = chrono f x in
Gc.full_major ();
let tg, lg = chrono g x in
assert(lf = lg);
let g = 100. *. (tf -. tg) /. tf in
let f = tf /. tg in
Printf.printf "%s: tf = %.2f, tg = %.2f, factor = %.2fx, gain = %.2f%%\n%!" msg tf tg f g
let compute f v =
let r = ref 0.0 in
for _ = 0 to 100 do
r := f v v +. !r
let fdot v1 v2 =
let r = ref 0.0 in
Array.iteri (fun i x -> r := x *. v2.(i) +. !r) v1;
let v = Array.init VFloat.dim (fun _ -> Random.float 1.0)
let _ = chronos "module without type annotation versus float code\n\t" (compute VFloat.dot) (compute fdot) v
let _ = chronos "module with type annotation versus float code\n\t" (compute FVFloat.dot) (compute fdot) v