Hi Everyone,
I have been working on getting Cucumber ML ready to be published on opam. In the course of this, I got the C library that it depends on to compile with Dune rather than needing to do it separately. In preparation for sending this for release with opam, I did a dune build && dune install
which duly installed the files into opam under the correct switch. However, when I do an opam list
to see it in the listings, it is not listed. I can see it listed in ocamlfind
and I can compile my test program fine. I made sure that I had a public_name
in my dune file as described in the documentation but it is not appearing either in the installed list or under --all
. I am at a loss as to what else to try or where I went wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(lang dune 2.6)
(version 2.0.0)
(generate_opam_files true)
(source (github cucumber/cucumber.ml))
(license MIT)
(authors "Christopher Guy Yocum")
(maintainers "cyocum@gmail.com")
(name cucumber)
(synopsis "Cucumber BDD for OCaml")
(description "Cucumber BDD for OCaml using the gherkin-c library to parse")
(dune (>= 2.6))
(re (= 1.9.0))
(base (= 0.14.0))
(cmdliner (= 1.0.2))))
(data_only_dirs gherkin-c)
(deps (source_tree gherkin-c))
(targets libgherkin-c.a dllgherkin-c.so)
(chdir gherkin-c (run make libs libs_so))
(copy gherkin-c/libs/libgherkin.a libgherkin-c.a)
(copy gherkin-c/libs/libgherkin.so.7.0.4 dllgherkin-c.so)))))
(public_name cucumber)
(libraries cmdliner re re.perl base)
(synopsis "BDD style testing for OCaml")
(foreign_archives gherkin-c)
(foreign_stubs (language c) (names gherkin_intf)))