`dune build @doc` generates nothing

I have a weird problem with dune build @doc @doc-private which generates nothing. And I’m trying to find a reason why it would behave this way.

After running dune build @doc @doc-private the _build/default/_doc/_html folder is empty. dune rules @doc and dune rules @doc-private don’t display anything. While if I do dune build _build/default/_doc/_html/api/Apicore/index.html the html file is correctly generated.

my lib apicore is public, defined like this

 (name apicore)
 (public_name api.apicore)

Is it mandatory to build the doc from the root of the dune project? Right now I’m trying to run the build from api which is a subfolder of the project root, because I’d like to build the doc only for that specific project.

I can generate the doc for my whole project with odig without issue. I run it like this, if it makes a difference

dune build @install
odig odoc --doc-dir=_build/install/default/doc --lib-dir=_build/install/default/lib/

Any idea what I could be doing wrongly?

I’m running dune 3.0.3 and (lang dune 3.0).

1 Like

Any news about this issue. I am facing the same issue (I think).

1 Like

Last time I tried the situation was the same. But I know that there are new doc rules in the most recent dune. So maybe things will get better.

I have the same issue here. Not a single html file appears !

If I start a new library project with dune, with

dune init project --kind=lib Progress

and then put a progress.ml with progress.mli like that :


(** This is the main entry of the progress library *)
let hello msg = 
  print_endline msg
(** the function uses print_endline *)

and progress.mli

(** This is the description of the Module Progress *)

(** This is the hello function to say hello *)
val hello : string -> unit 
(** Nothing special in that function  *)

I can add a test :

let () = Progress.hello "Ceci est un test"

Then I build everything with

PS H:\Progress> dune build
PS H:\Progress> dune runtest
Ceci est un test
PS H:\Progress> dune build @doc
PS H:\Progress> tree /A
PS H:\OCaml\Progress> tree /F
│   dune-project
│   Progress.opam
│       dune
│       progress.ml
│       progress.mli
│       dune
│       Progress.ml
    │   .db
    │   .digest-db
    │   .filesystem-clock
    │   log
    │   └───default
    │       └───test
    │               runtest-6e8a4e77c2c4fe157366d918bcf7599d
    │   │   META.Progress
    │   │   Progress.dune-package
    │   │   Progress.install
    │   │   Progress.opam
    │   │
    │   ├───.dune
    │   │       configurator
    │   │       configurator.v2
    │   │
    │   ├───lib
    │   │   │   Progress.cma
    │   │   │   Progress.cmxa
    │   │   │   Progress.cmxs
    │   │   │   Progress.lib
    │   │   │   progress.ml
    │   │   │   progress.mli
    │   │   │
    │   │   ├───.merlin-conf
    │   │   │       lib-Progress
    │   │   │
    │   │   └───.Progress.objs
    │   │       ├───byte
    │   │       │       progress.cmi
    │   │       │       progress.cmo
    │   │       │       progress.cmt
    │   │       │       progress.cmti
    │   │       │
    │   │       └───native
    │   │               progress.cmx
    │   │               progress.obj
    │   │
    │   └───test
    │       │   Progress.exe
    │       │   Progress.ml
    │       │   Progress.mli
    │       │
    │       ├───.merlin-conf
    │       │       exe-Progress
    │       │
    │       └───.Progress.eobjs
    │           ├───byte
    │           │       dune__exe__Progress.cmi
    │           │       dune__exe__Progress.cmti
    │           │
    │           └───native
    │                   dune__exe__Progress.cmx
    │                   dune__exe__Progress.obj

Does the lib/dune file have a public_name clause?

Yes, This is the default setting when you initiate a library project with dune

Envoyé depuis l’application Mail Orange

I tried to build your minimal reproduction (but on linux, apparently you are on windows?) and the html files are correctly generated.

Maybe try with a verbose mode for dune? The part of dune build @doc --verbose that shows odoc invocations for me is:

Running[1]: (cd _build/default && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/odoc support-files -o _doc/_html/odoc.support)
Running[2]: (cd _build/default && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/ocamlc.opt -w @1..3@5..28@30..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -bin-annot -I lib/.Progress.objs/byte -no-alias-deps -opaque -o lib/.Progress.objs/byte/progress.cmi -c -intf lib/progress.mli)
Running[3]: (cd _build/default/_doc/_odoc/pkg/Progress && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/odoc compile --pkg Progress -o page-index.odoc ../../../_mlds/Progress/index.mld)
Running[4]: (cd _build/default/lib/.Progress.objs/byte && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/odoc compile -I . -I ../../../_doc/_odoc/pkg/Progress --pkg Progress -o progress.odoc progress.cmti)
Running[5]: (cd _build/default/_doc/_html && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/odoc link -I ../_odoc/pkg/Progress -I ../../lib/.Progress.objs/byte -o ../_odocls/Progress/page-index.odocl ../_odoc/pkg/Progress/page-index.odoc)
Running[6]: (cd _build/default/_doc/_html && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/odoc link -I ../_odoc/pkg/Progress -I ../../lib/.Progress.objs/byte -o ../_odocls/Progress/progress.odocl ../../lib/.Progress.objs/byte/progress.odoc)
Running[7]: (cd _build/default/_doc/_html && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/odoc html-generate -o . --support-uri odoc.support --theme-uri odoc.support ../_odocls/Progress/page-index.odocl)
Running[8]: (cd _build/default/_doc/_html && /home/panglesd/.opam/default/bin/odoc html-generate -o . --support-uri odoc.support --theme-uri odoc.support ../_odocls/Progress/progress.odocl)
1 Like

this might be an issue with case insensitive filesystems? can you try with:

dune init project --kind=lib progress

I rebuilt my test with your command line, and it did not work. See my answer to @panglesd for the log in verbose mode.

The verbose mode does not show me all the interresting line as in your invokation. I am indeed running it in windows :

PS H:\OCaml\progress> dune runtest
Ceci est un test 1
PS H:\OCaml\progress> dune build @doc --verbose
Shared cache: disabled
Workspace root: "H:\\OCaml\\progress"
Auto-detected concurrency: 4
Running[0]: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Programs\DISKUV~1\usr\bin\ocamlc.opt.exe -config > C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\dune_6f5f34_output
Dune context:
 { name = "default"
 ; kind = "default"
 ; profile = Dev
 ; merlin = true
 ; for_host = None
 ; fdo_target_exe = None
 ; build_dir = "default"
 ; toplevel_path = None
 ; ocaml_bin =
 ; ocaml =
 ; ocamlc =
 ; ocamlopt =
 ; ocamldep =
 ; ocamlmklib =
 ; env =
       ; "DUNE_OCAML_STDLIB" :
       ; "DUNE_SOURCEROOT" : "H:\\OCaml\\progress"
       ; "INSIDE_DUNE" : "H:\\OCaml\\progress\\_build/default"
       ; "MANPATH" : "H:\\OCaml\\progress\\_build/install/default/bin"
       ; "OCAML_COLOR" : "always"
       ; "OCAMLPATH" : "H:\\OCaml\\progress\\_build/install/default/lib"
       ; "OPAMCOLOR" : "always"
 ; findlib_paths =
     [ External
 ; arch_sixtyfour = true
 ; natdynlink_supported = true
 ; supports_shared_libraries = true
 ; ocaml_config =
     { version = "4.14.0"
     ; standard_library_default =
     ; standard_library =
     ; standard_runtime = "the_standard_runtime_variable_was_deleted"
     ; ccomp_type = "msvc"
     ; c_compiler = "cl"
     ; ocamlc_cflags = [ "-nologo"; "-O2"; "-Gy-"; "-MD" ]
     ; ocamlc_cppflags = [ "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" ]
     ; ocamlopt_cflags = [ "-nologo"; "-O2"; "-Gy-"; "-MD" ]
     ; ocamlopt_cppflags = [ "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" ]
     ; bytecomp_c_compiler =
         [ "cl"
         ; "-nologo"
         ; "-O2"
         ; "-Gy-"
         ; "-MD"
     ; bytecomp_c_libraries = [ "advapi32.lib"; "ws2_32.lib"; "version.lib" ]
     ; native_c_compiler =
         [ "cl"
         ; "-nologo"
         ; "-O2"
         ; "-Gy-"
         ; "-MD"
     ; native_c_libraries = [ "advapi32.lib"; "ws2_32.lib"; "version.lib" ]
     ; native_pack_linker =
         [ "link"; "-lib"; "-nologo"; "-machine:AMD64"; "-out:" ]
     ; cc_profile = []
     ; architecture = "amd64"
     ; model = "default"
     ; int_size = 63
     ; word_size = 64
     ; system = "win64"
     ; asm = [ "ml64"; "-nologo"; "-Cp"; "-c"; "-Fo" ]
     ; asm_cfi_supported = false
     ; with_frame_pointers = false
     ; ext_exe = ".exe"
     ; ext_obj = ".obj"
     ; ext_asm = ".asm"
     ; ext_lib = ".lib"
     ; ext_dll = ".dll"
     ; os_type = "Win32"
     ; default_executable_name = "camlprog.exe"
     ; systhread_supported = true
     ; host = "x86_64-pc-windows"
     ; target = "x86_64-pc-windows"
     ; profiling = false
     ; flambda = false
     ; spacetime = false
     ; safe_string = true
     ; exec_magic_number = "Caml1999X031"
     ; cmi_magic_number = "Caml1999I031"
     ; cmo_magic_number = "Caml1999O031"
     ; cma_magic_number = "Caml1999A031"
     ; cmx_magic_number = "Caml1999Y031"
     ; cmxa_magic_number = "Caml1999Z031"
     ; ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M031"
     ; ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N031"
     ; cmxs_magic_number = "Caml1999D031"
     ; cmt_magic_number = "Caml1999T031"
     ; natdynlink_supported = true
     ; supports_shared_libraries = true
     ; windows_unicode = true
Actual targets:
- alias @@default
PS H:\OCaml\progress> 

@NAlec @Khady: I can recreate your problem, and unfortunately you are running into an old Dune issue. To get around it, use single-quotes anytime you see an @ symbol. For example:

dune build '@doc'

# Note: In later versions of DkML you should be using:
opam exec -- dune build '@doc'

The underlying problem is most OCaml documentation assumes a Unix shell when running commands. In the popular Unix shells the @ symbol does not need to be quoted, but PowerShell uses the @ symbol for arrays (similar to Perl) and will expand to nothing (silently!) when there is no array variable named @doc.


Thanks for the advice, but we are running on Linux and using bash/zsh/fish, so this isn’t the cause of the problem.

I never really figured out what the problem was. Something interesting is that if I run dune build @doc in the root directory of my repo I get some html, though incomplete, for the subfolder I’m interested in. While running dune build @doc in the subfolder directly creates nothing.

Oops; replied to wrong person. Edit made!

Nice gotcha with the @ sign, thanks, I wasn’t aware of this.
This is actually what the following bit of the log says:

Actual targets:
- alias @@default

It means that dune was asked to build @@default, which is the target when the command line is empty.

You rock @jbeckford ! Indeed it was it. I now have a documentation.

PS: I do not select this answer as the solution as :

  • I am not the initial author of the thread
  • Khady’s issue is then probably different than mine

Link to Windows alias issue: Current Dune alias syntax can't work reliably on Windows · Issue #5775 · ocaml/dune · GitHub