DkCoder 0.2 - Scripting in OCaml

The 0.3 version is now available. It has a publicly accessible GitHub - diskuv/dkcoder so issues can be filed, and cohttp 6.0.0~beta2 is now bundled.

Most important, 0.3 was sufficient to build the real production service Diskuv / Samples / DevOps / DkSubscribeWebhook · GitLab. It has a Dockerfile and Docker Compose for easy deployment to production, and the Docker container is based on Google’s GitHub - GoogleContainerTools/distroless: 🥑 Language focused docker images, minus the operating system. for a “small” size (well, 100MB is not small but it is not big either). The only executable in the container is ocamlrunx (no /bin/sh, etc.). In an ideal world where I had more time the service would be embedded inside MirageOS instead.