Display(iter) a Sorted Binary Tree in Order

I created a simple sorted binary tree(see below) and I decided to display(iter) the contents of the tree in order of smallest to largest.

module MyBtree =

    type 'a btree = Empty | Btree of ('a * 'a btree * 'a btree)

    let empty = Empty

    let rec display toString bt =
      match bt with
      | Empty -> print_endline "Empty"
      | Btree (d, left, right) ->
        print_endline (toString d);
        display toString left;
        display toString right

    let rec add data bt =
      match bt with
      | Empty -> Btree (data, Empty, Empty)
      | Btree (d, left, right) ->
        if (data < d)
          Btree (d, add data left, right)
        else if (data > d)
          Btree (d, left, add data right)

    type 'a btreeList = Data of 'a | Node of 'a btree

    let buildLeftList bt =
      let rec buildLeftListAux bt acc =
        match bt with
        | Empty -> acc
        | Btree (d, left, right) ->
          buildLeftListAux left ((Data d)::(Node right)::acc) in
      buildLeftListAux bt []

    let buildList bL =
      let rec buildListAux bL acc =
        match bL with
        | [] -> List.rev acc
        | hd::tl ->
            match hd with
            | Data d -> buildListAux tl (d::acc)
            | Node bt -> buildListAux ((buildLeftList bt) @ tl) acc
          ) in
      buildListAux bL []

    let iter func bt = List.iter func (buildList (buildLeftList bt))


let b =
    (fun acc elem -> MyBtree.add elem acc)
    [10; 1; 9; 2; 8; 3; 7; 4; 6; 5;]

let () =
  |> MyBtree.display string_of_int

let () = print_endline "\n\n"

let () = 
  |> MyBtree.iter (fun x -> Printf.printf "%d\n" x)

Now the code works but is there a way to accomplish the same thing without building a list(or other data container) to sort/hold the data?

Your function display nearly works without all the meandering of buildList, the only issue is that you are displaying the node data before the data of the left subtree,

  | Btree (d, left, right) ->
        print_endline (toString d);
        display toString left;
        display toString right

which can be fixed with

  | Btree (middle, left, right) ->
        display toString left;
        print_endline (toString middle);
        display toString right
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You are correct!

My apologies, the description I posted was incomplete. What I really wanted was a next function that provided the next value(from smallest to largest) and a remainder of the values.

I found with a next type function you have to(I have to) build another data container to hold the data.

That being said, I should be able to modify the display function with a list accumulator and get my ordered values.

In this case, you might want to have a look at sequences defined in the Seq module defined in the standard library. They are a kind of lazy list with a next function. In particular, you could try to define a function:

let to_seq: 'a btree -> 'a Seq.t

In this kind of situation, there is often at least two way to store date: either explicitly in a data container or implicitly by storing data in closures or in the stack.

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I looked up the Seq docs and though trial and error I think figured out how it works… BTW I never did find the next function.

module MyBtree =

  type 'a btree = Empty | Btree of ('a * 'a btree * 'a btree)

  let empty = Empty

  let rec display toString bt =
    match bt with
    | Empty -> print_endline "Empty"
    | Btree (d, left, right) ->
      display toString left;
      print_endline (toString d);
      display toString right

  let rec add data bt =
    match bt with
    | Empty -> Btree (data, Empty, Empty)
    | Btree (d, left, right) ->
      if (data < d)
        Btree (d, add data left, right)
      else if (data > d)
        Btree (d, left, add data right)

  type 'a buildList = Data of 'a | BNode of 'a btree

  let buildLeft bt =
    let rec buildLeftAux bt acc =
      match bt with
      | Empty -> acc
      | Btree (d, left, right) ->
        buildLeftAux left ((Data d)::(BNode right)::acc) in
    buildLeftAux bt []

  let to_seq bt =
    let bL = buildLeft bt in
    let rec to_seq_aux bL =
      match bL with
      | [] -> Seq.empty
      | hd::tl ->
          match hd with
          | Data d -> fun () -> Seq.Cons(d, to_seq_aux tl)
          | BNode bt -> to_seq_aux ((buildLeft bt) @ tl)
        ) in
    to_seq_aux bL


let b =
    (fun acc elem -> MyBtree.add elem acc)
    [10; 1; 9; 2; 8; 3; 7; 4; 6; 5;]

let () =
  |> MyBtree.display string_of_int

let () = print_endline "\n\n"

let mySeq = MyBtree.to_seq b

let () = Seq.iter (fun x -> Printf.printf "%d " x) mySeq

Thank-you for the pointers.

You can also avoid buildLeft with

let rec append left right () = match left () with
| Seq.Nil -> right ()
| Seq.Cons(x, left) -> Seq.Cons(x, append left right)

let to_seq tree () = match tree with
| Empty -> Seq.Nil
| Btree(mid,left,right) ->
   append (to_seq left) (append (Seq.return mid) (to_seq right)) ()

Concerning the next function, you can see the sequence itself as a next function for the underlying data or computation.

You might be interested in looking at how the many combinators in oseq are implemented.


An alternative is to use a zipper.

Tried rewriting my code, knowing that my initial try way was meandering(thanks for pointing that out BTW), and here’s where I’m at currently:

module MyBtree =

    type 'a btree = Empty | Btree of ('a * 'a btree * 'a btree)

    let empty = Empty

    let rec display toString bt =
      match bt with
      | Empty -> print_endline "Empty"
      | Btree (d, left, right) ->
        display toString left;
        print_endline (toString d);
        display toString right

    let rec add data bt =
      match bt with
      | Empty -> Btree (data, Empty, Empty)
      | Btree (d, left, right) ->
        if (data < d)
          Btree(d, add data left, right)
        else if (data > d)
          Btree(d, left, add data right)

    let to_list bt =
      let rec to_list_aux bt acc =
        match bt with
        | Empty -> acc
        | Btree (d, left, right) ->
          to_list_aux left (d :: (to_list_aux right acc)) in
      to_list_aux bt []

    let to_seq bt =
      let rec to_seq_aux bt acc =
        match bt with
        | Empty -> acc
        | Btree (d, left, right) ->
          to_seq_aux left (fun () -> Seq.Cons(d, (to_seq_aux right acc))) in
      to_seq_aux bt (fun () -> Seq.Nil)


let b =
    (fun acc elem -> MyBtree.add elem acc)
    [10; 1; 9; 2; 8; 3; 7; 4; 6; 5;]

let () =
  |> MyBtree.display string_of_int

let () = print_endline "\n\n"

let () =
  |> MyBtree.to_list
  |> List.iter (fun x -> Printf.printf "(List)%d " x)

let () = print_endline "\n\n"

let () =
  |> MyBtree.to_seq
  |> Seq.iter (fun x -> Printf.printf "(Seq)%d " x)

Not as elegant as the posted solutions but I have to work within my own skills for this to make sense.

Note that I thought that your initial code was meandering because your initial stated aim was an iter function; whereas your actual code was quite close of implementing a full zipper as suggested by @toolslive . Zipper or sequence code tend to be more complex to write than internal iterators because they require to give the control to the user.