Hi. I’m writing a Discord library, Discord.ml, in OCaml for my personal project. As of now, it supports voice functionality as well as text one, and you can write, for example, a music bot with this library.
I used Eio to write this library and wrote a simple Erlang-like actor model implementation (actaa). Also, I used Cohttp-eio (beta1) with ocaml-websocket to communicate with the Discord’s server (gateway).
I hope someone may be interested in this library. Any feedback would be appreciated!
Looking at the code, the use of Object for a user defined module was a bit weird, I expected it to be the Obj from the stdlib. Then the pattern matching code for handle_event:
let handle_event token env ~sw:_ agent state =
let open Discord.Event in
| Dispatch (MESSAGE_CREATE msg) -> (
let guild_id = Option.get msg.guild_id in
let parsed = String.split_on_char ' ' msg.content in
match parsed with
| [ "!ping" ] ->
Logs.info (fun m -> m "ping");
I would replace the string matching with an ADT, the would handle the error case in a type safe way.
I hope a version of the actor model gets implemented and adopted for OCaml 5.*. It is a convenient way to represent certain kinds of problems.
I would typically transform the string from Discord into an ADT of known values and deal with those internally. But that only makes sense if that is a limited know set of values. eg the match on "!ping" I would make into a variant type
type event =
| Ping
| Join
and have a function parse : string -> (err, event) result.
I feel that Eio allows us to make some sort of typed Erlang/OTP in OCaml, which is nice.
A while ago I partially ported ejabberd from Erlang to OCaml/Lwt, and recently, to get myself acquainted with Eio, replaced Lwt with Eio: jamler/eio. With a single domain it works great, but for multiple domains I don’t see how to implement process migration to balance load.
There was a previous attempt at it called disml. I have used for a discord bot, and it works well, but uses async and was not updated since 2020. Maybe you could give it a look, i think it supports more of the routes and types than your probably more up to date library.
I would be quite happy to switch my bot to this once it has the features I need. Maybe I will even find time to contribute.
Yeah, I know about dis.ml, but its README says it doesn’t support voice, which I absolutely needed to make my voice bot (Yomer). I was also interested in Eio, so I wrote discord.ml.
Discord.ml currently only supports the features needed for Yomer, but I’d like to expand it for completeness. Any contribution is welcome!