DBcaml, a new database toolkit built on Riot

Hello :slight_smile:
I’ve been working on a database library named “DBCaml”. A database toolkit similar to rust’s SQLX built on Riot. DBCaml is still in early development but I know which path that would work the best

I wrote my idea and vision on my blog: Introducing DBCaml, Database toolkit for OCaml | Emil Privér



I guess that the main added value to a Caqti/ppx_rapper would be the connection pool.

But the way ppx_rapper deals with OCaml/SQL interface seems the best approach. The idea is to have an annotated query, then no need to describe the query with other structures which can be error prone.


Well, I see at least 2 differences with Caqti and ppx_rapper on the roadmap

  • integration with riot
  • check against a live DB schema (a la PG’OCaml).