in order to improve myself, I would like to know if you find something wrong with the following function or what I can improve in it:
edit : the following function has been modified in order to not raise an exception Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" with empty or little strings (length == 1) thanks to @jeffsco.
let camel_case_to_capitalized_snake_case str =
let extract str start stop =
let len = (stop + 1) - start in
let sub_string = String.sub str start len in
if start == 0 then String.capitalize_ascii sub_string (* ensure that the first part is always capitalized *)
else String.lowercase_ascii sub_string
let len = String.length str in
if len <= 1 then String.capitalize_ascii str
else (
let rec _parse str start acc index =
if index + 1 == len then let sub_string = extract str start index in
let acc' = (sub_string :: acc) in String.concat "_" (List.rev acc')
else (
let c = str.[index] in
let c_next = str.[index + 1] in
if c == Char.lowercase_ascii c && c_next == Char.uppercase_ascii c_next then
let sub_string = extract str start index in
let acc' = (sub_string :: acc) in
_parse str (index + 1) acc' (index + 1)
_parse str start acc (index + 1)
in _parse str 0 [] 0
In fact it seems that the context of the usage of my function is important. This function will be used to convert C structure, union, enum, GObject object or interface names to their corresponding OCaml module name in Capitalized_snake_case name. In my case, I think that I should not separate each capitalized char with an undescore. For example :
SList : SList
IConv : IConv.
IOChannel : IOChannel
PollFD : Poll_fd
MemVTable : Mem_vtable
DoubleIEEE754 : Double_ieee754
Please let me know if you have better ideas for the ouput that my function should generate.
I haven’t looked closely at your implementation but I would try to come up with a set of rules first that capture how to split a camel-cased identifier into words. I probably would implement this using OCamlLex (the scanner generator - based on regular expressions). I understand that you set yourself the constraint not to use regular expressions but I believe they are the right tool for the job here.
I wrote a blog post Recipes for OCamlLex. Edit: and here is a sketch. The idea is to use a scanner to split a string into a list of words. It would now be easy to add special cases, for example for common abbreviations. The file below is camel.mll for OCamlLex.
exception Error of string
let error fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) fmt
let get = Lexing.lexeme
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let lower = ['a'-'z']
let upper = ['A'-'Z']
let punct = ['_']
rule split = parse
| upper+ (lower|digit)* { let word = get lexbuf in word :: split lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
| _ { get lexbuf |> error "illegal character '%s'" }
let snake_case str =
Lexing.from_string str
|> split
|> ( function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> x :: String.lowercase_ascii xs
|> String.concat "_"
let main () =
Array.to_list Sys.argv
|> snake_case
|> List.iter print_endline
let () = main (); exit 0
You can do what you want in a more functionnal way (without OCamlLex) like this :
let is_lower c = c = Char.lowercase_ascii c
let next_index s offset =
let rec loop quit idx = match is_lower s.[idx] with
| true -> loop true (succ idx)
| false -> if quit then idx else loop false (succ idx)
| exception e -> idx (* out of string index *)
in loop false offset
let decompose s =
let rec loop acc idx =
match next_index s idx - idx with
| 0 -> List.rev acc
| len -> loop (String.sub s idx len :: acc) (len + idx)
in loop [] 0
let camel_case_to_capitalized_snake_case s =
decompose s
|> List.mapi (fun i s -> if i = 0 then s else String.lowercase_ascii s)
|> String.concat "_"
[ "SList" ; "IConv"; "IOChannel"; "PollFD"; "MemVTable"; "DoubleIEEE754"]
|> camel_case_to_capitalized_snake_case;;
- : string list = ["SList"; "IConv"; "IOChannel"; "Poll_fd"; "Mem_vtable"; "Double_ieee754"]
Thanks for taking the time to write this little example. Could you add information about how to use the lexer in a lib. For example, it was not obvious for me that I needed to just add this part in a lib/ file :
exception Error of string
let error fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) fmt
let get = Lexing.lexeme
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let lower = ['a'-'z']
let upper = ['A'-'Z']
let punct = ['_']
rule split = parse
| upper+ (lower|digit)* { let word = get lexbuf in word :: split lexbuf }
| eof { [] }
| _ { get lexbuf |> error "illegal character '%s'" }
let snake_case str =
Lexing.from_string str
|> split
|> ( function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> x :: String.lowercase_ascii xs
|> String.concat "_"
Out of bounds errors raise Invalid_argument. In OCaml these exceptions are not meant to be catched, they denote a programming error.
Thanks for the precision. When you say these exceptions denote a programming error do you mean that a program should never throw such exception and that it is the duty of the caller to check that the callee will never throw an Invalid_argument exception ? Is this denotation a tacit convention between OCaml programmer ?
I tried to compile my code with -unsafe and -unsafe-string. In the first case I got an uncatch Invalid_argument exception but with String.sub : I suppose it came from the use in decompose but I don’t understand why. In the second case there is no problem. In both cases, I never saw a segfault.
I changed the next_index function with :
let next_index s offset =
let len = String.length s in
let rec loop quit idx =
if idx >= len then idx
else match is_lower s.[idx] with
| true -> loop true (succ idx)
| false when quit-> idx
| _ -> loop false (succ idx)
in loop false offset
and it works fine with both -unsafe and -unsafe-string options.